Ambient Air Quality Standards Designation Tool
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- Clearinghouse Tools
- Tool: Current Air District Rules
- Tool: Air District Rule History
- Tool: CARB Regulations
- Tool: BACT Determinations
- Tool: BACT Guidelines
- Tool: Residential Appliances
- Tool: Residential Backup Power
- Tool: Commercial Emergency Backup Power
- Tool: Underfired Charbroiling
- Tool: Attainment Status Lookup
- Request: Next Gen Evaluation
- Standard Categorization Lists
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This tool allows users to explore the attainment status for various ambient air quality standards (AAQS) across the state. In the top left corner, users can select “Federal” to explore National AAQS (NAAQS) set by the United Stated Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), or “State” to explore California AAQS (CAAQS) set by the California Air Resources Board (CARB).
Instructions How to Use
Hovering the mouse over an area on the map will reveal a popup that gives the name of the nonattainment area and its attainment status for the pollutant/standard you have selected.
The map can be zoomed using a scroll ball on a mouse, or the pinch/spread method on a mobile device. Selecting the “home” button on the map will reset the zoom level. Additionally, selecting on the magnifying glass icon will open up a search bar, where you may search for an area of your choosing.
Level and Pollutant/Standard
If “Federal” is selected for Level, users can explore NAAQS attainment status for ozone (O3), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and coarse particulate matter (PM10), as set by the US EPA.
- Descriptions of NAAQS for O3
- Descriptions of NAAQS for PM2.5 and PM10
- Additional information about NAAQS
If “State” is selected for Level, users can explore CAAQS attainment status for ozone (O3), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and coarse particulate matter (PM10), as set by the CARB.
- Descriptions of CAAQS for O3
- Descriptions of CAAQS for PM2.5 and PM10
- Additional information about CAAQS
Look up the Attainment Status where you Live
If you select on the icon in the bottom left corner of the tool, you will be brought to a page where you can look up the attainment status for a zip code.
Once the page loads, you will see a zip code search box, a table giving the local air district and county for that zip code, and a table giving the attainment status for that zip code. The default zip code (95814) is for the state capitol building.
Select the search box to type your zip code, then press enter on your keyboard.
Note that some zip codes may span across multiple counties, air district boundaries, or attainment area boundaries. If this is the case for your zip code, all relevant counties, air districts, and attainment statuses will be given.
Selecting the icon will bring you back to the map page.