Mobile Source Strategy
Mobile sources including cars, trucks, tractors, and a myriad of other on-road vehicles and off-road equipment, contribute a majority of smog-forming oxides of nitrogen (NOx), the largest portion of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and are a significant source of toxic air contaminants that directly impact community health. The 2016 Mobile Source Strategy was CARB’s first integrated planning effort looking specifically at mobile sources to identify complementary policies to reduce emissions of criteria pollutants, greenhouse gases, and toxics.
In recognition of the value of the 2016 Mobile Source Strategy in relation to the State’s ongoing air quality, climate, and community risk reduction challenges, and the ever-evolving vehicle market, the California Legislature passed Senate Bill (SB) 44, signed by Governor Newsom into law on September 20, 2019. SB 44 acknowledges the ongoing need to evaluate opportunities for mobile source emissions reductions and requires CARB to update the 2016 Strategy by 2021 and every five years thereafter.
The 2020 Mobile Source Strategy continued the multi-pollutant planning approach to illustrate the pathways forward for the various mobile sectors that are necessary in order to achieve California’s numerous goals and targets through 2050. CARB staff is now beginning development of the 2025 Mobile Source Strategy. Subscribe to receive updates on the Mobile Source Strategy.