These are area designation maps of California for all criteria pollutants that are designated for the State and national standards.
State Area Designations
These maps are updated annually for the State area designations, as required by the Health and Safety Code (H&SC) section 39608, and after formal approval of the Office of Administrative Law. CARB makes State area designations for ten criteria pollutants: ozone, suspended particulate matter (PM10), fine suspended particulate matter (PM2.5), carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, sulfates, lead, hydrogen sulfide, and visibility reducing particles.
The following maps are the most current available and represent air quality based on the most recent monitoring data. All maps are in Adobe pdf format.
In contrast to the State area designations, the U.S. EPA makes national area designations for six criteria pollutants: ozone, PM10, PM2.5, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide. Although maps for the national area designations are provided below, please refer to the U.S. EPA website for the most current information on the national area designations.