Quality Management Plan
The Quality Management Plan (QMP) is Volume I of the Quality Assurance Manual that describes the quality management system used by CARB and participating local air monitoring organizations that comprise CARB's PQAO. CARB is committed to ensuring that air monitoring data collected by and on behalf of its PQAO is scientifically and legally valid and of sufficient quantity and quality to meet or exceed all applicable requirements. All air monitoring measurement activities performed by staff within CARB, by participating monitoring organizations in CARB's PQAO, or performed on behalf of CARB shall comply with the quality assurance policies and procedures specified in this QMP. If a monitoring organization within CARB's PQAO chooses to utilize its own QMP, prior written approval shall be obtained concurrently and collaboratively from CARB and U.S. EPA.
Volume I, Quality Management Plan
- Quality Assurance Project Plan for the PM2.5 Ambient Air Monitoring Program (PM2.5 QAPP)
- Quality Assurance Project Plan for Gaseous Pollutant Air Monitoring Program (Gas QAPP)