CARB’s recent School Bus replacement programs are coordinated efforts with the California Energy Commission (CEC) to provide funding for the replacement of older, internal combustion engine school buses with zero-emission (ZE) school buses and complementary charging infrastructure and associated costs. The Public School Bus Set-Aside provided incentives for the replacement of older internal combustion engine school buses with new ZE school buses and continued the efforts of previous CARB incentive programs, such as the Rural School Bus Pilot Program. The Public School Bus Set-Aside accepted applications through December 2023 and has been replaced by the Zero-Emission School Bus and Infrastructure (ZESBI) project for Fiscal Year 2023-24. The incentive funding programs are part of the State’s commitment to prioritize the deployment of ZE school buses and their accompanying charging infrastructure and associated costs. CARB provides incentive funding for school buses, which are administered through HVIP, and CEC provides incentives for the charging infrastructure which are administered through various CEC funding programs.
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Apply to receive funds from the $375 million available through the Zero-Emission School Bus and Infrastructure (ZESBI) project funding
The Zero-Emission School Bus and Infrastructure project application period opened on May 14, 2024, and is accepting applications through September 30, 2024. The joint application is open to all eligible applicants for the replacement of old internal combustion school buses with new zero-emission school buses, charging infrastructure, and associated costs.