Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Regulation
2018 Regulation - Effective April 1, 2019
2018 Amendments to CARB Mandatory Reporting Regulation
The Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions was originally approved in 2007 and revised in 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2014.Amendments to MRR were approved by the Office of Administrative Law on March 29, 2019. The amendments become effective on April 1, 2019, for 2019 data.
- Complete Regulation: Unofficial version of complete 2018 regulation prepared by CARB staff
- 2018 Rule Making Documents including the Final Regulation Order (underline/strikeout), Final Statement of Reasons, and other documents
- Key Dates for GHG mandatory reporting
2016 CARB Mandatory Reporting Regulation
Amendments to MRR were approved by the Office of Administrative Law on September 1, 2017. The amendments become effective on January 1, 2018, with some provisions applicable to 2017 data reported during 2018, and most other provisions applicable to 2018 data reported during 2019 (see section 95103(h) of the regulation for details).
- Complete Regulation: Unofficial version of complete 2016 regulation prepared by CARB staff
- 2016 Rule Making Documents including the Final Regulation Order (underline/strikeout), Final Statement of Reasons, and other documents
2014 CARB Mandatory Reporting Regulation
These amendments became effective on January 1, 2015.
- Complete Regulation: Unofficial version of complete regulation prepared by CARB staff
- 2014 Rule Making Documents including the Final Regulation Order (underline/strikeout), Final Statement of Reasons, and other documents
2013 CARB Mandatory Reporting Regulation
- Complete Regulation: Unofficial version of complete regulation prepared by CARB staff
- 2013 Rule Making Documents including the Final Regulation Order (underline/strikeout), Final Statement of Reasons, and other documents
2012 CARB Mandatory Reporting Regulation
- Complete Regulation: Unofficial version of complete regulation prepared by CARB staff
- 2012 Rule Making Documents including the Final Regulation Order (underline/strikeout), Final Statement of Reasons, and other documents
2010 CARB Mandatory Reporting Regulation
- Complete Regulation: Unofficial version of complete regulation compiled by CARB staff
- Regulatory Edition: Regulation including underline/strikeout changes, and all associated regulatory documents
2007 CARB Mandatory Reporting Regulation
- 2007 Rulemaking Documents including the Final Regulation Order (underline/strikeout), Final Statement of Reasons, and other documents
U.S. EPA GHG Reporting Regulation
Unofficial Electronic Compilation
CARB’s Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (title 17, California Code of Regulations (CCR), sections 95100-95157) (MRR) incorporated by reference certain requirements promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) in its Final Rule on Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases (Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 98). Specifically, section 95100(c) of MRR incorporated those requirements promulgated by U.S. EPA as published in the Federal Register on October 30, 2009, July 12, 2010, September 22, 2010, October 28, 2010, November 30, 2010, December 17, 2010, and April 25, 2011. For data years 2021 and onward, the GWP values listed in Table A-1 of Subpart A are as specified in Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 98 as published to the CFR on December 11, 2014.
The unofficial electronic compilation of selections from the U.S. EPA GHG regulation included below is provided by CARB staff solely for the reader’s convenience. The official legal versions of the incorporated CFR provisions from the Federal Register are available, with the incorporated Federal Register notice and date.
For each subpart, this unofficial compilation combines the various incorporated Federal Register versions into one document for the reader’s convenience; however, this compilation is not an official edition of either the CFR or the CCR. While reasonable steps have been taken to make this unofficial compilation accurate, the officially published requirements, found within the incorporated Federal Register notices with the dates listed above, take precedence if there are any discrepancies.
Unofficial Electronic Compilation of U.S. EPA Part 98 GHG Regulations Referenced by CARB Mandatory Reporting GHG Regulation
General Provisions | Subpart A |
General Stationary Fuel Combustion Sources | Subpart C |
Electricity Generation | Subpart D |
Cement Production | Subpart H |
Glass Production | Subpart N |
Hydrogen Production | Subpart P |
Iron and Steel Production | Subpart Q |
Lead Production | Subpart R |
Lime Manufacturing | Subpart S |
Nitric Acid Production | Subpart V |
Petroleum Refineries | Subpart Y |
Pulp and Paper Manufacturing | Subpart AA |
Suppliers of Petroleum Products | Subpart MM |
Suppliers of Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids | Subpart NN |
Suppliers of Carbon Dioxide | Subpart PP |
For questions contact the Sector Contacts or the GHG Reporting Help Desk.