Mobile Source Certification and Compliance Fee Regulation: Meetings & Workshops
The Mobile Source Certification and Compliance Fee regulatory effort was initiated in response to new regulatory authority. SB 854 (2018) allowed CARB to adopt a schedule of fees to cover all or a portion of the State Board’s reasonable costs. AB 85 (2019) authorized CARB to adopt a schedule of fees to recover reasonable costs from on-road vehicles and engines, removing the fee cap in HS Code 43019 for existing on-road vehicle and engine fees. The Mobile Source Certification Fee Regulation was approved by the Board in April 2021 and will be implemented beginning April 1, 2022. The regulatory support documents for the Mobile Source Certification and Compliance Fee regulation are available on the Rulemaking Activity web page. This page summarizes the regulatory activity, outreach, and other activities for the implementation of the Mobile Source Certification and Compliance Fees. For past regulatory activity go here.
If you would like to participate in future meetings, or get future workgroup announcements, subscribe to the Mobile Source Certification and Compliance Fee Regulation Topic. For general questions on this regulation, interested parties may email MSCertFees@arb.ca.gov.
On April 1, 2022, a new and modified mobile source certification and compliance fees (MS Fees) was due upon submittal of the application for mobile source certification.
Mobile Source Fee Implementation Resources
How Do I Pay My Fees?
MS Fee Payment Process for Manufacturers
Step 1-Obtain your CARB Customer Account Number
Before you start, obtain a CARB Customer account number.
For those manufacturers that do not know their CARB Customer account number, first check with your organization’s internal points of contact (POC) who are responsible for payment to obtain a CARB Customer account.
If you cannot obtain the information from the manufacturer, send an e-mail to your assigned CARB certification staff:
- On and Off Road: Contact your assigned certification staff.
- Portable Fuel Containers and Evaporative Components (SORE): Michele Dunlop
- Evaporative Components (OHRV and SIMW): Scott Monday
- Aftermarket Parts: Trina Pendon
- Diesel Emission Control Strategies (DECS): Milad Pirhadi
- At-Berth: Milad Pirhadi
In the e‑mail subject line state: “MS Fee CARB Customer Account Request.” In the body of the e‑mail please provide the following information:
- Manufacturer complete name (the name of the company paying the fee)
- Mailing Address including country
- Contact Name (for payment issues)
- Contact Title
- Contact E-mail address
- Contact Phone
They will send you your account number if an account has been set up for you. Your assigned CARB certification staff will reply to your e-mail with your CARB Customer account number in 1-2 business days. For manufacturers who are told they do not have a CARB Customer account number by CARB staff, use the MS Fees Invoicing Software to request an account.
CARB Customer account numbers will be provided to manufacturers (not to consultants) or importers. Your assigned CARB certification staff will reply to your e-mail with your CARB Customer account number when a new account is created.
Do not move to Step 2 until you receive your CARB Customer Account number.
Step 2 – Creating the MS Fee Invoicing System Account
On August 8, 2022, Manufacturers are requested to create and submit their invoice requests through the new MS Fees Invoicing System. Only one account is available per manufacturer/CARB Customer account. Each manufacturer account must designate an Account Administrator who creates and manages the account. Only CARB Customer account contacts can be an Account Administrator. Each Account Administrator can set up individual member accounts for those who they wish to have access to the system. To create accounts and invoices, please review the July 28th manufacturer training and the user guide below:
MS Fees Invoicing Software System User Guide
MS Fees July 28th Training video
Step 3 – Creating the MS Fees Invoice
Prior to starting the invoicing process, please review the training materials found in the March 8th workshop (presentation, recording) or your focused group tutorial. Please be aware that any material regarding creating and submitting invoices through MSCertFees@arb.ca.gov has ceased. Please use the MS Fees Software System to create invoices.
Focused Grouped Category Tutorials:
On‑Road LD On‑Road HD/GHG Off-road Evaporative Aftermarket DECS‑Locomotive DECS‑Non‑Locomotive At‑Berth
Please use the MS Fees Software System to create and submit invoices.
- In the MS Fees Software System:
a. Select the draft invoice form appropriate for your certification category group. Do not mix certification category group types or different manufacturers on a single draft invoice. Complete a separate invoice for each category group. Group Type: On-road (ON), Off-road (OFF), Evaporative Components/PFC (EVAP), Aftermarket Parts (AMP), Diesel Emission Control Strategies (DECS), At-Berth Control Technologies (AB).
b. Complete manufacturer information and contact information associated with the application (not the CARB Customer account). The contact person is the person who CARB is in communication with regarding to the application approval process.
c. Create an invoice. Each row represents an application. Instructions on how to fill out each column of the draft invoice may be found here.
d. Review the invoice. Ensure all information is accurate. Edits are easily made on your draft invoice. Once the invoice is submitted to signature and is signed, delays will occur in processing your invoice, if any information is incorrect.
e. The signatory must be an authorized representative of the manufacturer.
f. Once signed, an e-mail is generated to submit the Final invoice. A copy of the e-mail and the Final invoice is sent to the contact who created the invoice and to CARB for entering the information into the manufacturer’s CARB Customer account. The information entering process will take up to 5 business days to complete. - Missing or incorrect information will lead to delays in processing the draft invoice and review of your product application.
- Do not make a payment until 5 days after receiving the Final invoice to allow for the processing time.
Do not move to Step 4 until 5 business days after you receive your Final invoice.
Step 4 – Making Your Payment
To make a payment, please visit CARB’s Payment Options Page.
Include your invoice number on all payments and communications
It is essential to include the invoice number on the Final invoice provided in Step 2 with your MS fee payment. The payment amount must match the total payment on the invoice for CARB accounting unit staff to process the payment. If you do not include the invoice number with your payment or the payment amount does not match the Final invoice, payment confirmation will be delayed which will delay the review of your product application.
The payment confirmation processing time depends on the type of payment method chosen.
- Credit Card - First Data, the processing vendor, charges a convenience fee of 2.99% of the transaction amount. CARB does not receive revenue from this service fee. (3-4 days)
- Check, Money Order or Cashier Check (3-7 business days)
- Wire Transfer or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT/ACH) (3-5 business days)
Once your payment is made and the payment information is entered into your CARB Customer Account, an e-mail will be sent to the manufacturer representative who created the invoice.
Step 5 – Submitting Your Application
Submit a copy of your payment confirmation e-mail and Final invoice with your applicable application/s according to your current certification procedure. This document will be used to verify your payment for each of your submitted applications. Once payment confirmation is complete, staff will start the review of your product application submittal.
Mobile Source Fee Implementation Workshops
An invoicing training session was held on July 28, 2022. This training provided the manufacturers and fee payers with the web based invoice and payment protocols by which MS Fees can be submitted and processed. Please review the workshop materials before submitting invoices and paying fees to prevent delays in processing your payment and review of your application. To receive a notice for this effort, please subscribe to the Mobile Source Certification and Compliance Fee Regulation Topic.
Current and Upcoming Meetings
Date & Time | Location | Details & Materials |
July 28, 2022 9:00 am ‑ 11:00 am PDT | The training session will be held through webinar and conference call only. Participate at the MS Teams link or call-in number below. Or call in (audio only) | Training session to discuss CARB's internet based MS Fees Invoicing and Payment Process. This workshop will allow a Q & A session for the video recording below. |
Date & Time | Location | Details & Materials |
March 8, 2022 9:00 am ‑ 11:00 am PDT | The workshop will be held through webinar and conference call only. Participate at the MS Teams link or call-in number below. Or call in (audio only) | Public Workshop. Overview to Discuss the Implementation of the Mobile Source Certification Fee Invoicing and Payment Process. This workshop will allow a Q & A session for the video presentation below. |
Date & Time | Location | Details & Materials |
March 21, 2022 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm PDT | The focused working group will be held through webinar and conference call only. Participate at the MS Teams link or call-in number below. Or call in (audio only) | Focused Working Group to Discuss the Implementation of the Mobile Source Certification Fee Invoicing and Payment Process for the following category types.
This working group will allow a Q & A session. |
March 22, 2022 9:00 am - 11:00 am PDT | The focused working group will be held through webinar and conference call only. Participate at the MS Teams link or call-in number below. Or call in (audio only) | Focused Working Group to Discuss the Implementation of the Mobile Source Certification Fee Invoicing and Payment Process for the following category types.
This working group will allow a Q & A session. |
March 24, 2022 9:00 am - 11:00 am PDT | The focused working group will be held through webinar and conference call only. Participate at the MS Teams link or call-in number below. Or call in (audio only) | Focused Working Group to Discuss the Implementation of the Mobile Source Certification Fee Invoicing and Payment Process for the following category types.
This working group will allow a Q & A session. |
March 24, 2022 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm PDT | The focused working group will be held through webinar and conference call only. Participate at the MS Teams link or call-in number below. Or call in (audio only) | Focused Working Group to Discuss the Implementation of the Mobile Source Certification Fee Invoicing and Payment Process for the following category types.
This working group will allow a Q & A session. |
Mobile Source Certification and Compliance Fee Regulation Documents and Activity
No activity at this time.
How To Fill Out The Draft MS Fee Invoice Form | MS Certification & Compliance Fee Focused Group Tutorials | MS Certification Fee Invoicing & CARB Customer Account Contacts |