Life-Cycle Assessment and Co-Benefits of Cool Pavements
Principal Investigator/Author: Ronnen Levinson
Contractor: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Contract Number: 12-314
Project Status: Completed
Relevant CARB Programs: Climate Change
Topic Areas: Behavioral Change, Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Research Summary:
The use of high-albedo "cool" pavements can be considered in programs intended to help cities, regions, and the state meet California's greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction and sustainable community goals. While cool pavements can mitigate urban heat islands, improve urban air quality, and in some cases reduce GHG emissions from building energy use, it is also important to consider the environmental consequences of pavement materials and pavement construction, and thus the life-cycle environmental impacts. Recognizing this, the researchers developed a pavement life-cycle assessment for California cities and translated it into a dynamic decision support tool. Local officials can use this tool to evaluate the life-cycle environmental impacts of various pavements, both conventional (lower albedo) and cool (higher albedo). Users can determine, based on outputs from the tool, which options translate to reductions or increases in global warming potential, smog formation potential, generation of particulate matter, and energy demand. Local governments may use the tool as they evaluate pavement-related strategies for reducing their carbon footprints, which will in turn help the state meet its climate goals. It may also be useful as they weigh the potential public health impacts of different pavement options.
Information on how to access the tool is in the Final Report.
Final Report: Please email to request the final report generated by this research contract.