How to Use HMS
How to Gain Access/Use HMS?
HMS can be accessed at:
To access HDIUT Manufacturer Submit (HMS), you must be an authorized engine manufacturer required to conduct Manufacturer-Run In-Use Testing for Heavy Duty Diesel Engines (HDIUT) and submit HDIUT data to CARB. If you do not have an account and are required to submit HDIUT data, please follow the instructions provided below.
Obtaining or Modifying HMS Account(s) for New or Existing Manufacturers
To obtain or modify an HMS account, manufacturers shall submit an HMS account request or update request letter for an HMS account. Following Mail-Out # ECCD-2024-06, please send the request letter to:
Thomas Montes, Chief
In-Use Programs Branch
California Air Resources Board
4001 Iowa Ave.
Riverside, California 92507
Attn. HMS Accounts
Once a request has been received, CARB will review and process the account request.
It is the manufacturer's responsibility to update all contact information and notify CARB of changes in a timely manner.
How to Use HMS
Once you have an HMS account, you can submit your HDIUT data through HMS following the HDIUT Data Submittal Workshop Slides.
Web Browser Requirements to Use HMS
1. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Firefox browser