HDK Plastic Factory, LTD U.S.A. and Evolution Electric Vehicles, Inc. Settlement
HDK Plastic Factory, LTD U.S.A., and Evolution Electric Vehicles, Inc. Settle For $550,000
In September 2024, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) reached a settlement with HDK Plastic Factory, LTD U.S.A. (HDK), and Evolution Electric Vehicles, Inc. (Evolution), with their principal locations in Corona, California.
HDK and Evolution sold new uncertified electric vehicles and golf carts without CARB Executive Orders in place, in violation of Health and Safety Code sections 43151-43153 and in violation of CARB’s Off-Highway Recreational Vehicles and Engines Regulation (OHRV Regulation), codified in California Code of Regulations, title 13, sections 2410-2419.4; and the California Exhaust Emission Standards and Test Procedures for 2009 through 2017 Model Zero-Emission Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles, as codified in California Code of Regulations, title 13, section 1962.1 (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 13, § 1962.1)
To settle the case, HDK and Evolution agreed to the penalty of $334 per HSC violation for a total penalty amount of $550,000. The civil penalty amount of $275,000 will be deposited into CARB’s Air Pollution Control Fund, which provides funding for projects and research to improve California's air quality. The remaining amount of $275,000 will fund the Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) entitled Marine Vessel Speed Reduction Incentive Program Phase 3, with Ventura County Air Pollution Control District. This SEP involves implementing a vessel speed reduction (VSR) incentive program, which provides financial and public relations incentives for owner/operators of ocean-going cargo vessels to slow down in the VSR zones during peak whale and concentrated ozone seasons.
Terms of the settlement include a requirement for HDK and Evolution to comply with all other CARB regulations going forward. HDK and Evolution cooperated with CARB to resolve this matter.