Submitted Comment Name JL Angell Affiliation concerned citizen Subject Essential revisions to your 2022 Scoping Plan Message You have acknowledged major roadblocks to meeting its ambitious carbon emissions target of 48% reductions for 2030: thus you must act to remove them and meet your goal to tackle climate change. Since the feasibility of carbon capture technologies remain unproven, nothing should be counted from such efforts and thus additional proven methods, including speeding up transitions eliminating fossil fuels like closing gas power plants earlier, must be added (note that a couple have become later and thus other efforts must replace them). Also the state’s flagship climate program, known as cap-and-trade, has not actually done what it was predicted to do so further transitions to offset the absence of such gains must be done (e.g., more vehicle and home electrification, more preservation of old growth forests, more incentives for more renewable power by restoring solar power credits in billing the power companies got the CPUC to reduce, etc.). All these are now required and must be done with none of the new efforts being as questionable, unproven as those being replaced. File Upload (i.e., Attachments): N/A
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