CA DMV Registration Hold (SB 210) – Clean Truck Check
What is Clean Truck Check?
Senate Bill 210 directed CARB to develop and implement a comprehensive heavy-duty vehicle inspection and maintenance regulation (now known as Clean Truck Check) to ensure that vehicles’ emissions control systems are properly functioning when traveling on California’s roadways.
Clean Truck Check applies to nearly all diesel and alternative fuel heavy-duty vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) over 14,000 pounds that operate on California public roads and highways even if they are not registered in California. This includes public vehicles (federal, state, and local government); motorcoaches; transit, shuttle and school buses; hybrid vehicles; commercial vehicles; personal vehicles; California registered motorhomes; single vehicle fleets; and vehicles registered outside of California (not including motorhomes).
Vehicles must be reported in the Clean Truck Check – Vehicle Inspection System (CTC-VIS), pay annual compliance fees, and undergo emissions testing. CA DMV registration holds are automatically placed on vehicles that are not compliant with Clean Truck Check requirements.
How do I get the CA DMV registration hold removed from my vehicle?
If the CA DMV registration hold was placed due to non-compliance with Clean Truck Check, the vehicle needs to be reported in CTC-VIS and you will need to pay any compliance fees that are due to receive a compliance certificate. Please report vehicles at https://cleantruckcheck.arb.ca.gov
CTC-VIS sends out monthly account summaries through email with information on upcoming compliance requirements for vehicles reported in the account. This will include testing information and requirements.
Please see the video here that will walk you through the reporting process: Clean Truck Check Reporting Database Training (youtube.com) In the future, the CTC-VIS reporting walkthrough video will be updated to include instructions regarding emissions testing.
Card payments can take up to 1-2 business days to process and Telecheck (eCheck) payments can take up to 7 business days to process in CTC-VIS. Your certificate will be available to download in the “Vehicles” section of your “My Entity” home page once the payment has fully processed.
The hold will automatically be removed at DMV 1-3 business days after the compliance certificate issue date. CARB sends a daily list of all VINs that are compliant with Clean Truck Check to CA DMV. You do not need to show or send your certificate to CA DMV. Once the hold is removed, you will need to contact DMV to complete the transaction. DMV will not automatically send your registration tags when the hold is removed. CARB recommends going in person to a DMV field office, if possible.
You can try to use the DMV Virtual Office: DMV Virtual Office - California DMV or call the DMV Field Office Support Unit at (916) 657-8035.
You may also try to mail a copy of the renewal notice or registration card to DMV at the address below:
Department of Motor Vehicles
PO Box 942869
Sacramento, CA 94269-0001
Does my vehicle need to be tested?
Emissions compliance testing requirements are effective October 1, 2024. All compliance deadlines on or after January 1, 2025, will require the submission of a passing emissions compliance test as part of the vehicle’s compliance demonstration. Vehicle owners may test 90 days prior to the vehicle’s compliance deadline, so they have time to make any repairs if the vehicle fails the test and submit a passing emissions compliance test.
For example, a vehicle with a compliance deadline of February 1, 2025, may submit a passing emissions test as early as November 3, 2024.
For more information on compliance deadlines, please see below:
Vehicles subject to semi-annual deadlines: Clean Truck Check Requirements for Vehicles Subject to Semi-Annual Compliance | California Air Resources Board
Vehicles subject to annual deadlines: Agricultural Vehicles & California Motor homes Annual Compliance Requirements | California Air Resources Board
What DMV transactions can I do with a registration hold on my vehicle due to noncompliance with Clean Truck Check?
This type of registration hold will prevent most transactions at DMV. However, there are certain transactions that are allowed:
Placing a vehicle on Planned Nonoperation (PNO) means the vehicle will not operate on California public roads & highways and is therefore not subject to Clean Truck Check. Subsequently, if you wish to register the vehicle to operate on California public roads & highways again, it must meet Clean Truck Check compliance requirements prior to registration.
Vehicles that are junked/salvaged/dismantled can obtain the appropriate title and then transfer the title into the insurance company name, if necessary.
Duplicate title requests can be processed, as long as the registration renewal is not due at the time of the request.
Out of state transfers can be processed but there are certain procedures that need to be followed for these cases and they are listed below.
Can I transfer title to a vehicle I sell out of state?
Yes, there are two options for transferring title to a vehicle out of state that has an SB 210 (Clean Truck Check) registration hold at DMV.
The seller can endorse the CA title to the new owner. The new owner can take the endorsed title to an out of state DMV and surrender the CA title to register the vehicle in that state.
If the new owner intends to register the vehicle out of state prior to the vehicle leaving California, they can request a transfer only to obtain the CA title in their name. The new owner would need to provide CA DMV with the CA title signed by the seller and all properly endorsed documents for a transfer of ownership. The new owner would pay applicable transfer fees and request for the vehicle to be registered as “non-operable with the intention of registering the vehicle out of state.”
If the vehicle is still in California but is now registered in another state, it will need a temporary operating permit from DMV to leave the state. More information can be found here: Vehicle Registration Permits - California DMV
Additionally, the vehicle will need to be compliant with Clean Truck Check during this period. Clean Truck Check offers a five consecutive day pass per vehicle, once per calendar year. The 5-Day pass allows for operation in California. However, the vehicle will not be considered compliant after the 5-day pass expires and must be brought into compliance to register the vehicle and operate in California. Additional information about requesting a 5-day pass is available at: Overview Fact Sheet-Clean Truck Check