Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Projects
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Who is Eligible
Any company is eligible to receive funding, regardless of where they operate, but any funded project needs to have a practical field demonstration in California. An eligible applicant is needed to apply and administer any funding and can include, local air districts, other public agencies, and California-based non-profit organizations.
How it’s Administered
The Program will be administered and implemented through a partnership between the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the Grantee, selected via a competitive Solicitation. Up to eight percent of a projects award can be used for day to day project administration by the Grantee.
Where and When it’s Offered
Solicitations for funding are released on a semi-regular basis when funding is allocated by the legislature and described in CARBs Low Carbon Transportation annual funding plan.
Project Funding or Participation Requirements
Each fiscal year, CARB staff submits a proposed funding plan to the Board for approval that serves as the blueprint for expending GGRF, AQIP, and other funds appropriated to CARB in the State budget for Low Carbon Transportation and related investments. The annual funding plan establishes CARB’s priorities for the funding cycle, describes the projects CARB intends to fund, and sets funding targets for each project. Funding is provided for projects that support evolution through three phases of technology advancement: demonstration, commercialization, and transition to widespread deployment.
Low Carbon Transportation Investments and AQIP Funding Plans
Announcements and Upcoming Activities
On November 19, 2021, the Board approved $40 million for the Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot program allocated under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives (Funding Plan). Then on November 17, 2022, the Board approved an additional $135 million allocated under the FY 2022-23 Funding Plan. These two funding allocations, in addition to $50 million in funding from the California Energy Commission (CEC) to support infrastructure, were combined under one grant solicitation.
This grant solicitation closed in October 2023 resulting in 31 applications requesting a total funding of $425 million. 12 projects were selected for funding and are currently in the grant agreement execution phase and should start by the end of 2024. The Low Carbon Transportation Investments and AQIP Grant Solicitation webpage has a list of all 31 applications submitted and a one-page description.
Low Carbon Transportation Investments and AQIP Grant Solicitations