Clean Mobility in Schools
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Current Incentive Amounts*
Solicitation | Number of Grants | Total Funds Awarded |
FY 2018-19 Solicitation | 4 | $34.37 million |
FY 2022-23 Request for Applications with STEP | 4 | $27.77 million |
CARB does not set minimum or maximum grant amounts for CMIS.
*No current incentives available.
Who is Eligible
Public schools, local governments, community-based organizations, or tribal governments can apply as lead applicants. A public school must be included as the lead applicant or as a sub-applicant on all CMIS projects. Projects can include partners who are sub-contracted for specific purposes and/or services. Such sub-applicants may include, but are not limited to, organizations that provide clean transportation services, infrastructure equipment and installation, community outreach services, and technical expertise/assistance. Sub-applicants may be public agencies, private companies, tribal governments, or non-profit organizations.
Each application must include partnerships between a lead applicant, sub-applicants, and community partners with different skillsets and expertise and that work together to implement the different project components and represent the project school community. The project school community is the geographic area that will be the focus of the project benefits. More than 50% of the geographic area of the project community must be within low-income or disadvantaged community census tracts as shown in the California Climate Investments Priority Populations 2022 CES 4.0.
How it’s Administered
CARB directly administers CMIS projects. This means a CARB liaison works directly with each STEP grantee to implement their project. Grant administration includes activities like providing guidance on program requirements, tracking progress via quarterly status reports and data reporting, and supporting grantees in navigating CARB's disbursement request system.
Where and When it’s Offered
CMIS grants are awarded through a competitive solicitation process. The frequency and timing of solicitations for future fiscal year funds is subject to funding availability and the annual Funding Plan process. The most recent Request for Applications for Fiscal Year 2022-23 Planning and Capacity Building (Planning), Clean Mobility in Schools (CMIS), and STEP funds closed on November 4, 2023.
Project Funding or Participation Requirements
For the FY 2022-23 funding round, applicants were first required to apply to the concept phase. General eligibility requirements for the concept phase included:
- Meeting the funding and timeline requirements dictated in the Request for Applications.
- More than 50% of the project community in disadvantaged or low-income community census tracts.
- All applicants eligible per the Request for Applications.
- When the lead applicant was a local government, one of the sub-applicants was a community-based organization. If the lead applicant was a community-based organization, one of the sub-applicants was a local government or tribal government.
- All projects eligible per the Request for Applications.
- Include at least two active transportation, fixed-route transit, or shared mobility projects.
Applicants meeting all eligibility requirements and scoring at least 70% in the concept phase were invited to apply to the full phase. The full phase had more specific eligibility requirements, which can be found in the Request for Applications.
Project Resources/Materials
- California Climate Investments - Clean Mobility in Schools
- Reducing Exposure to Air Pollution with Electric School Buses in El Monte — California Climate Investments
- Community breathes easier as El Monte Union High School District and CARB deliver electric buses and green-tech infrastructure through California Climate Investments | California Air Resources Board
- Three school districts awarded a combined $24 million to promote zero-emission vehicles, clean transportation options | California Air Resources Board