Kawasaki Motors Corp., USA Settlement
Settlement Date
Septiembre 2019
Enforcement Division Web Administrator
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Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. Settles For $180,250.00
In September 2019, Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. (Kawasaki) of Grand Rapids, Michigan, settled its case with the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The case involved Small Off-Road Engines (SORE) that were selected by CARB’s Monitoring and Laboratory Division (MLD) for compliance testing. The units tested exceeded Kawasaki’s declared Evaporative Model Emission Limit (EMEL) and were deemed noncompliant with evaporative emission standards. Kawasaki halted all sales and increased its EMEL limit. Kawasaki has agreed to pay a $250.00 per unit penalty resulting in a total penalty amount of $180,250.00. Half of the payment will go towards the Fresno Trees Supplemental Environmental Project.
Kawasaki Motors Corp., USA Settlement Agreement