Número del envío: 543
ID del envío: 8056
Submission UUID: a8fadbd8-9e77-43d4-99ef-ffc2a47db106

Creado: Vie, 19/01/2024 - 11:26
Completado: Vie, 19/01/2024 - 11:38
Modificado: Mié, 21/02/2024 - 15:00

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Enviado por: Anónimo
Idioma: English

Is draft: No


Submitted Comment
Darbi Gottlieb
Life Sciences Coalition Letter re: Item #2

Members of the Scientific Review Panel,

On behalf of AdvaMed, Biocom California, and California Life Sciences, we appreciate the opportunity to provide the attached comments on OEHHA’s draft cancer inhalation unit risk (IUR) factor for Ethylene Oxide (EtO). Our medical technology members are the innovators and manufacturers transforming health care through earlier disease detection, less invasive procedures, and more effective treatments. Effective sterilization of medical technology is critical to public health and this draft IUR risks disrupting patient access to it. We urge OEHHA to leverage its own expertise and, as suggested by Dr. Lucy Fraiser in the attached review and analysis, revise the draft IUR to protect public health.

Thank you for the opportunity.

AdvaMed, California Life Sciences and Biocom