Número del envío: 162
ID del envío: 4691
Submission UUID: 9d3ce855-21a4-4b74-93b5-d94d6e5bacc2

Creado: Mar, 25/07/2023 - 12:56
Completado: Mar, 25/07/2023 - 12:56
Modificado: Mar, 25/07/2023 - 13:22

Remote IP address:
Enviado por: Anónimo
Idioma: English

Is draft: No


Submitted Comment
Martha Booz
LG Electronics Variance Application

I think LG Electronics should NOT get a variance for R-410A until June 2024. This is a climate harmful substance, and it's use should be curtailed as soon as possible. No variance for LG Electronics!