Número del envío: 991
ID del envío: 15211
Submission UUID: 1fc1fec8-1936-496d-8b77-5e547967cbc3

Creado: Vie, 21/06/2024 - 15:58
Completado: Vie, 21/06/2024 - 15:58
Modificado: Mar, 25/06/2024 - 11:15

Remote IP address:
Enviado por: Anónimo
Idioma: English

Is draft: No


Submitted Comment
Chris Gould
Carbon TerraVault Holdings, LLC
Comments on the May 31, 2024, CARB Public Workshop and the Proposed Amendments to the Cap-and-Trade Program Regulations

Carbon TerraVault Holdings, LLC (“CTV”) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the California Air Resources Board’s (“CARB” or “the Board”) public workshop held on May 31, 2024, regarding potential amendments to the Cap-and Trade (“C&T”) program regulations. CTV believes that carbon capture and storage (“CCS”) is an integral part of CARB’s scoping plan to
achieve California’s climate goals. Please see the attached letter.