Name Subject: Submitted to: File Upload (i.e., Attachment): Comment
Martha Booz No Variances At all, of any kind, Should Be Allowed Public Comment on Application for Variance from the Prohibitions on Use of Certain Hydrofluorocarbons in Stationary Refrigeration, Stationary Air-Conditioning, and Other End-Uses (Cal. Code of Regs., tit. 17, § 95371 et seq.) N/A


Julie Blackburn Variance for SMC Public Comment on Application for Variance from the Prohibitions on Use of Certain Hydrofluorocarbons in Stationary Refrigeration, Stationary Air-Conditioning, and Other End-Uses (Cal. Code of Regs., tit. 17, § 95371 et seq.) N/A


Brett Goodwin SMC Chiller Required for AI Powered LaserWeeder Public Comment on Application for Variance from the Prohibitions on Use of Certain Hydrofluorocarbons in Stationary Refrigeration, Stationary Air-Conditioning, and Other End-Uses (Cal. Code of Regs., tit. 17, § 95371 et seq.) N/A


Joseph Williams (HFC) REDUCTIONS Public Comment on Application for Variance from the Prohibitions on Use of Certain Hydrofluorocarbons in Stationary Refrigeration, Stationary Air-Conditioning, and Other End-Uses (Cal. Code of Regs., tit. 17, § 95371 et seq.) N/A


David Couchot HFC Comments to the U.S. EPA Public Comment on Application for Variance from the Prohibitions on Use of Certain Hydrofluorocarbons in Stationary Refrigeration, Stationary Air-Conditioning, and Other End-Uses (Cal. Code of Regs., tit. 17, § 95371 et seq.)


Glenn Yeik Support for variance request Public Comment on Application for Variance from the Prohibitions on Use of Certain Hydrofluorocarbons in Stationary Refrigeration, Stationary Air-Conditioning, and Other End-Uses (Cal. Code of Regs., tit. 17, § 95371 et seq.) N/A


Mary Vaughan California Air Resources Board (CARB) Public Comment on Application for Variance from the Prohibitions on Use of Certain Hydrofluorocarbons in Stationary Refrigeration, Stationary Air-Conditioning, and Other End-Uses (Cal. Code of Regs., tit. 17, § 95371 et seq.) N/A


Doug Newton Variance Applicant: SMC Corporation of America (SMC) Public Comment on Application for Variance from the Prohibitions on Use of Certain Hydrofluorocarbons in Stationary Refrigeration, Stationary Air-Conditioning, and Other End-Uses (Cal. Code of Regs., tit. 17, § 95371 et seq.) N/A
