Antica Farmacista LLC Case Settlement
Antica Farmacista LLC Case Settles for $154,800
A case was settled with Antica Farmacista LLC (Antica) for selling Air Freshener: liquid /pump spray products into California that contained concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) that exceeded the standards specified in the Consumer Product Regulation, title 17, California Code of Regulations, section 94509(a). These products were sold from January 2014 to December 2016 and resulted in 7.74 tons of excess VOC emissions attributable to the violation. To resolve the violation, Antica paid $154,800 in penalties, of which Antica voluntarily paid $35,000 to the Health Air Neighborhoods Supplemental Environmental Project. Antica Farmacista LLC has reformulated the Air Freshener: liquid/pump spray products; and therefore is in compliance with the Consumer Products Regulations.