AB 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee Meeting
*The Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) and Direct Air Capture (DAC), Public Comment, and Next Steps and Closing Remarks portion of this public meeting will be rescheduled due to meeting disruption from power outages in Sacramento. The date and time will be announced publicly soon.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is hosting a public meeting for the Assembly Bill (AB) 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC). The meeting is open to the public and includes a public comment period.
Date: Friday, August 16, 2024
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: The meeting is being held in-person in Sacramento and remote via Zoom.
CalEPA HQ Building | Sierra Hearing Room, Second Floor | 1001 " I " Street, Sacramento, California
Register: Zoom (please register ahead of the meeting)
Passcode: 711638
By Telephone: 888 363 4734 US Toll-free
Conference code: 176024
Meeting Recording
Note: Provided below is a recording from the public meeting 8/16/2024. This is Part 1 of the meeting, covering content through early discussion on the EJAC Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage and Direct Air Capture Resolution, in item 5 of the agenda. Part 2 will be provided through a continuation of this meeting to be scheduled at a later date due to power outages.
- Martha Dina Argüello
- Juan Flores
- Matt Holmes
- Jill Sherman-Warne
- Rey Leon
- Kevin Jefferson
CARB EJAC Meeting Slides
CARB Update on the EJAC Charter Revision
Final EJAC Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) and Direct Air Capture (DAC) Resolution Language
Agenda Item 5:
- 9-25-2024 CVAQ Letter to the EJAC - Carbon Capture, Use and Storage
- CARB Notice of Public Availability of 15-Day Changes to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard
- 8-16-2024 SEHN Report on Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil Recovery
1. Housekeeping and Logistics
- CARB to provide general housekeeping and logistics, including Zoom instructions and Spanish interpretation.
2. Introductions and Opening Remarks
- Welcome from Chanell Fletcher, CARB's Deputy Executive Officer for Equity, Communities and Environmental Justice, and acknowledgement of CARB participation.
- EJAC Co-Chairs to provide opening remarks including ground rules, meeting agreements, and an agenda overview.
3. CARB Informational Update on the EJAC Charter
- CARB to provide background, parameters, and the general plan for one-time EJAC Charter revisions.
- 3-15-2023 Approved EJAC Charter
4. Public Comment
- CARB opens the public comment period and invites Zoom and in-person public comments.
5. EJAC Discussion to Prepare for the September 12, 2024, Joint EJAC/CARB Board Meeting
- EJAC to discuss core topics they plan to cover for the meeting, including:
- Low Carbon Fuel Standard
- Carbon Markets: Cap-and-Trade Program, including Resolution Development Progress
- Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) and Direct Air Capture (DAC)
- EJAC to present final Resolution language for EJAC motion and action in the meeting.
6. Public Comment
- CARB opens the public comment period and invites Zoom and in-person public comments.
7. Next Steps and Closing Remarks
- EJAC to discuss next steps for 2024 meeting preparation.
- EJAC to close the meeting with a few remarks and adjourn discussion.