Proposed Additional Requirement for Advance Payment of Certain Funds Regulation

This page last reviewed September 3, 2019

Proposed Additional Requirement for Advance Payment of Certain Funds Regulation

Hearing Date(s)
Public Comments Received
Final Approval / OAL Action

OAL approved this rulemaking October 19, 2020, and filed with the Secretary of State. The effective date of this regulation is January 1, 2021. 

Adopted Regulations and Materials Submitted to OAL

The Final Rulemaking Package was submitted to OAL on September 11, 2020.

Final Statement of Reasons  (See revised above)
Final Regulation Order  (See revised above)
Hearing Action and Supplemental 15 Day Notices

Posted November 6, 2019

Public Hearing Notice and Related Material
Notice of Public Hearing  (Deadline to Submit Public Comments: October 21, 2019, or at the Public Hearing in October)