Version History **8/29/2024 1. Updated utility tables including POLLUTANT, DEFPRUN, NAICS, SCC, EIC, CATEGORY, DEFEMORIG, EQSIZEUNIT. 2. Updated the SIC to NAICS crosswalk to include valid NAICS codes only. **9/21/2021** 1. Fixed an issue with "Annual Update" drop down selection in the Fees and Reporting tab. The selection did not appear to show up in the drop down when the facility record was reviewed. This issue did not affect the selection being saved to the database. 2. Fixed an issue with clicking on the user defined database search window on the Emission window. 3. Fixed an issue with the import data validation log which was labeling releases as "DEV" instead of "REL." 4. Fixed an issue with the EIM incorrectly identifying duplicate emission records for areawide sources when adding a new pollutant. 5. Fixed an issue with the Estimate Annual Emissions window showing "Not Calculated" for criteria pollutants. **3/29/2021** 1. EIM has been updated to target a newer version of the Microsoft .Net Framework (version 4.7.2). This resolves random issues users have been experiencing (e.g., extra data in transaction exports). This update also fixes the connection issue to check for HARP updates. The GeoTranslator and CEIDARS TRA QC tools have also been updated to use the newer framework. 2. Add Emission Inventory Codes field to the Process screen. In addtion, a popup box will appear showing the REIC or EIC descriptions when users mouse clicks and hover over the REIC or EIC fields on the Process screen. 3. Fixed issues with QA reports for evaluating criteria pollutant IDs for ammonia and lead. **8/07/2020** Changes made in EIM V2.1.4 include: 1. For existing process data with SCCs, the associated SCC units are displayed again from the SCC table if the units are not manually selected. Please contact the Emission Inventory Section at for more information. 2. A button has been added to reset to the default SCC units in the Process window. **7/27/2020** Changes made in EIM V2.1.3 include: 1. Fixed an issue that prevent the user from selecting the process rate units in the Process window. **7/20/2020** Changes made in EIM V2.1.2 include: 1. Users can now select process rate units in the Process window. Before the units were based on the Source Classification Code. Please contact the Emission Inventory Section at for more information. 2. Fixed an issue with saving after searching for a facilty on the Facility Explorer window. Issue prevented records from being saved. 3. Fixed an issue with saving latitude and longitude coordinates in WGS84. Issue prevented records from being saved. 4. Fixed an issue with the Hot Spots Priority Level field not importing when using a CEIDARS transaction file. 5. Fixed an issue with the estimated emission calculations for lead (Criteria reporting, tons) and ammonia (Criteria reporting, tons). 6. Improved search time for SCC, SIC, and NAICS searches. The search window will now only query if the Search or Enter button is clicked. 7. Geographic Translator tool has been updated. This includes bug fixes and enhancements to the batch converter. **10/24/2017** Changes made in EIM V2.1.1 include: 1. Added the cancer priority multiplier (CAN_PRI_MULT) and chronic priority multiplier (CHRONIC_PRI_MULT) to the "Priority Adjustment Factors" screen in the data entry area, the "Proximity and Adjusment Factors" screen in the report area, and the prioritization report. These two fields are added into the Facility table, so the user/porject database is upgraded to a new version 4 in this release. When opening an existing project, just follow the onscreen instructions to upgrade the database. 2. Fixed an issue in the Priority "Adjustment Factors" window in data entry area so that once a number is entered in an adjustment factor field, that number can now be deleted or replaced by a blank value. 3. Fixed an issue with the priority adjustment factors (Receptor Proximity Adjustment (Within 50m) and Annual Operating Hour) in both data entry and reporting areas to allow decimal points (database change). 4. Made the “Export to HARP Database”, “Export to CEIDARS 2.5 Transaction File”, and “Process Information” windows scrollable to accommondate small monitors. 5. Added the missing fields in the exported file when the "File"->“Export to a File” submenu is pressed in the “Proximity and Adjustment Factors” window in reporting area. 6. Changed the Maximum Hour emission unit from tons/hr to lbs/hr for criteria pollutants in "Emission Information" window. 7. This release is packaged with the latest health database as of August, 2017. **6/5/2017** Changes made in EIM V2.1.0 include: 1. Fixed an issue in the “Process Information” and “Emission Information” windows so that when the “Next” menu is clicked, parameters such as “Process Rate” and “Max Hr Process Rate” are now updated for calculating emissions. 2. Fixed an issue with “Other” pollutant type so the information of an existing pollutant is now populated in the “Emission Information” window. 3. Fixed a Microsoft bug so the program now allows deleting a previously entered number in any number fields in the facility data entry area. 4. Fixed a runtime exception issue in the Export windows that occurred when a user-defined list field is empty and the “Edit/Create” button is pressed. 5. Fixed an issue so the “Output Capacity” (DEVCAP) field in the “Device Information” window is now saved into the database. 6. Fixed an issue so the “Specified PM1 Fraction” (FRAC_3) field in the “Emission Information window” is now saved into the database. **5/1/2017** Changes made in EIM V2.0.9 include: - Added the feature to allow exporting facilities modified after a specified date (and time) to a CEIDARS transaction file. - Updated the health table in the user-defined database template (UDDATABASE.MDB) to combine the reproductive and development target organs. - Made the zone a required field in Facility, Receptor, and Release Data Entry windows for populating other coordinates with different coordinate systems. - The installation package is packed with the latest health database as of February, 2017. - Various text fixes. **2/23/2017** On February 21, 2017, OEHHA adopted new acute, 8-hour, and chronic inhalation RELs for carbonyl sulfide. The REL values and summary can be found at: To update the health database, click menu “Help->Check for Updates” in EIM and follow the on-screen instructions. **9/9/2016** On September 8, 2016, OEHHA adopted an updated inhalation cancer unit risk factor (URF) for perchloroethylene (PCE or tetrachloroethylene). The updated URF and summary can be found at: The health database for HARP2 Emission Inventory Module (EIM) has been updated to reflect this adoption. To update the health database, click menu “Help->Check for Updates” in EIM and follow the on-screen instructions. **08/10/2016** The information from the recently released CAPCOA Air Toxic “Hot Spots” Program Facility Prioritization Guidelines (August 2016) includes updated normalization factors used to calculate facility cancer scores. The HARP2 Emission Inventory Module (EIM) has been updated to include the updated normalization factors. **08/09/2016** Changes made in EIM V2.0.8 include: - Added option “I” for industrywide facility in the FEE_CAT field drop down box in “Fee & Reporting” window for the Hot Spots Fee Program. - Fixed several issues in Areawide source data area: duplicate records, add emissions, emission reports, date of last update, Save button in Emission Information window, typo, and tool tips. - Fixed a display consistency issue of search resutls when a filter is on in Receptor Explorer window. - Fixed a display order issue after sorting and double clicking in Receptor Explorer window and Areawide Source Explorer window. record before sorting. - Expanded the width of drop down boxes for long list items in “Fees & Reporting” screen. - Fixed an issue with the "Process Information" window and "Building & Property Dimensions" windows not displaying fully on small computer screens. Now these windows are resizable. - Fixed a typo in transaction ID "RCP" (was "REC") for receptor records when exporting receptors to a CEIDARS transaction file. - Fixed a typo in the sample importing Excel file for source type (SRCTYP) field. - Changed message when upgrading user database is finished. - Changed to dispay the health table version instead of the health database name in prioritization report. Because the health database name won’t be changed over the time. - When databases are upgrated for a project, the database entries in the project .eid file will also be updated. - Updated sample project. **03/28/2016** EIM has been repackaged with the latest health database. Alternatively, the health database can be updated using the “Help->Check for Updates” feature in the main menu of EIM. The health database has been updated to reflect the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA)’s adoption of the new and revised Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) for toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI). Please visit OEHHA’s website at: for more information. **03/18/2016** Changes made in EIM V2.0.7 include: 1. Fixed an intermittent issue with importing a transaction file. 2. Updated the user database to fix an issue related to exporting blank fields saved in the data entry windows. 3. Added matching database field labels in data entry windows. When users open a project created prior to this version in EIM V2.0.7, users will be prompted to upgrade the databases. Just follow the onscreen instructions, HARP will automatically upgrade the databases. **02/18/2016** Changes made in EIM V2.0.6 include: 1. Updated CEIDARS database for CATEGORY, EIC, NAICS, and SCC tables. 2. Updated the user database for Facility tables and TempRSK table to fix an issue related to exporting blank fields saved in the data entry area. 3. Updated the health database by emoving the health values of 27 pollutants that don’t apply to the Hot Spots Program. The 27 pollutants with health values removed from the health database are: ID Description 78875 1,2-Dichloropropane 122667 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine {Hydrazobenzene} 542756 1,3-Dichloropropene 53963 2-Acetylaminofluorene 92671 4-Aminobiphenyl 61825 Amitrole 57578 beta-Propiolactone 2425061 Captafol 133062 Captan 57749 Chlordane 510156 Chlorobenzilate 107302 Chloromethyl methyl ether (technical grade) 1066 Coke oven emissions 72559 Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene {DDE} 62737 Dichlorovos {DDVP} 79447 Dimethyl carbamoyl chloride 151564 Ethyleneimine {Aziridine} 76448 Heptachlor 67721 Hexachloroethane 139139 Nitrilotriacetic acid 1116547 N-Nitrosodiethanolamine 684935 N-Nitroso-N-methylurea 90040 o-Anisidine 95534 o-Toluidine 50555 Reserpine 62566 Thiourea 8001352 Toxaphene 4. Added a warning message when Gas Temperature (GT) is not in the 50-2500F range (based on CEIDARS data dictionary) for a stack in the Release Information window. 5. Importing a HARP2 database will now copy the four *_WGS84 coordinates for facility, receptor, and stack tables. 6. Exporting building and property boundary data to a KML file will now handle special characters (<, >, &, “,”). 7. Fixed issues related to upgrading user database. When users open a project created prior to this version in EIMv2.0.6, users will be prompted to upgrade the databases. Just follow the onscreen instructions, HARP will automatically upgrade the databases. **07/15/2015** Main changes made in V2.0.5: 1. Fixed the text overlap issue in the header area of a saved QA report. 2. Completed the CEIDARS Utility Table update process. In the previous version, users need to click on "Help->Check for Updates" to get the CEIDARS Utility Table updated. **06/29/2015** Main changes made in V2.0.4: 1. When changing a database, all tabs will be closed first. 2. Fixed a file copy issue related to exporting data to a database. 3. When adding a new facility record, the facility sub-county field is now populated. 4. Fixed an error when opening facilities that have sub-counties. 5. Fixed an error related to COABDIS range checking in the QA report. 6. Updated the COABDIS range tables (UTMEAST and UTMNORTH) in CEIDARS Utility database. 7. When a new stack or receptor entry is saved, the coordinates are now converted to other coordinate systems (e.g. UTM WGS84) to ease the data transactions between EIM and ADMRT. 8. Fixed an error in the Facility Data Entry screen that prevented users from calculating facility prioritization scores when the stack height was not specified for a process. The default stack height is set to zero in the prioritization score calculation for the Dispersion Adjustment Procedure.” **08/01/2014** Main changes made in V2.0.3: 1. Fixed an error that occurred when a facility list was used and special characters were included in facility names in the facility list. Areas that a facility list could be used include exporting emissions to a transaction file, exporting emissions to a HARP database, emission report, QA report, and prioritization report. 2. Fixed an emission conversion issue with PM, PM2.5, and PM10. **06/23/2014** Main changes made in V2.0.2: 1. The Quality Assurance Report was modified to address issues with converting non-condensable particular matter emissions into tons per year and to correct an error that occurs when checking emissions. 2. The importation of data using Excel files was improved to address several issues including receiving inaccurate messages when required data was missing. 3. The New Area-wide Source Record window was changed to fix an error that occurs when adding a new area-wide source. And a Save button was added to the Area-wide Data Entry Screen to make it more user friendly. 4. The New Receptor Record window was improved to include the next available ID for a new receptor. A Save button was added to the Receptor Data Entry Screen to make it more user friendly. 5. The Prioritization Report is improved to calculate prioritization scores when stack information is not available. When a stack or stack height is not specified, a zero stack height is assumed in the prioritization score calculation. 6. The User Guide and Help Files are updated accordingly. **3/21/2014** Main changes made in V2.0.1: 1. Fixed an unhandled exception when updating obsolete pollutant IDs. 2. Updated the User Guide Help documents.