Appendices for Hexavalent Chromium ATCM for Chrome Plating and Chromic Acid Anodizing Operations

This page last review June 3, 2015

Hexavalent Chromium Airborne Toxic Control Measure for
Chrome Plating and Chromic Acid Anodizing Operations
Appendix 1 - Content of Performance Test Reports
Performance test reports shall contain the following information:
1. A brief process description;
2. Sampling location description(s);
3. A description of sampling and analytical procedures and any modifications to standard procedures;
4. Test results;
5. Quality assurance procedures and results;
6. Records of operating conditions during the test, preparation of standards, and calibration procedures;
7. Original data for field sampling and field and laboratory analyses;
8. Documentation of calculations; and
9. Any other information required by the test method.
NOTE: Test reports consistent with the provisions of ARB Method 425 will fulfill
the above performance test report content requirement.

Appendix 2 - Content of Initial Compliance Status Reports

Initial compliance status reports shall contain the following information:

1. The applicable emission limitation and the methods that were used to determine compliance with this limitation;
2. If a performance test is required, the test report documenting the results of the performance test, which contains the elements listed in Appendix 1;
3. The type and quantity of hazardous air pollutants emitted by the source reported in mg/dscm or mg/hr for decorative and anodizing operations. (If the owner or operator is subject to the construction and modification provisions of subsection (j) and had previously submitted emission estimates, the owner or operator shall state that this report corrects or verifies the previous estimate.) For sources not required to conduct a performance test, the surface tension measurement may fulfill this requirement;
4. For each monitored parameter for which a compliant value is to be established under subsection (e), the specific operating parameter value, or range of values, that corresponds to compliance with the applicable emission limit;
5. The methods that will be used to determine continuous compliance, including a description of monitoring and reporting requirements, if methods differ from those identified in this section;
6. A description of the air pollution control technique for each emission point;
7. A statement that the owner or operator has completed and has on file the operation and maintenance plan as required by subsection (g);
8. If the owner or operator is determining facility size based on actual cumulative rectifier usage, records to support that the facility is small or medium. For existing sources, records from any 12-month period preceding the compliance date shall be used or a description of how operations will change to meet a small or medium designation shall be provided. For new sources, records of projected rectifier usage for the first 12-month period of tank operation shall be used;
9. A statement by the owner or operator as to whether the source has complied with the provisions of this section.

Appendix 3 - Content of Ongoing Compliance Status Reports
Ongoing compliance status reports shall contain the following information:
1. The company name and address of the source;
2. An identification of the operating parameter that is monitored for compliance determination, as required by subsection (e);
3. The relevant emission limitation for the source, and the operating parameter value, or range of values, that correspond to compliance with this emission limitation as specified in the notification of initial compliance status required by Appendix 2;
4. The beginning and ending dates of the reporting period;
5. A description of the type of process performed in the source;
6. The actual cumulative rectifier usage expended during the reporting period, on a month-by-month basis, if the source is a ha    rd chromium electroplating tank;          
7. A summary of any excess emissions or exceeded monitoring parameters as identified in the records required by subsection (h)(6);
8. A certification by a responsible official that the inspection and maintenance requirements in subsection (f) were followed in accordance with the operation and maintenance plan for the source;
9. If the operation and maintenance plan required by subsection (g) was not followed, an explanation of the reasons for not following the provisions, an assessment of whether any excess emissions and / or monitoring parameter excesses are believed to have occurred, and a copy of the record(s) required by subsection (h)(1) documenting that the operation and maintenance plan was not followed;
10. A description of any changes in monitoring, processes, or controls since the last reporting period;
11. The name, title, and signature of the responsible official who is certifying the accuracy of the report; and
12. The date of the report.

Appendix 4 - Notification of Construction Reports
Notification of Construction Reports shall contain the following information:
A. The owner or operator's name, title, and address;
B. The address (i.e., physical location) or proposed address of the source if different from the owner's or operator's;  
C. A notification of intention to construct a new source or make any physical or operational changes to a source that may meet or has been determined to meet the criteria for a modification;
D. The expected commencement and completion dates of the construction or modification;
E. The anticipated date of (initial) startup of the source;
F. The type of process operation to be performed (hard or decorative chromium electroplating, or chromic acid anodizing);
G. A description of the air pollution control technique to be used to control emissions, such as preliminary design drawings and design capacity if an add-on air pollution control device is used; and
H. An estimate of emissions from the source based on engineering calculations and vendor information on control device efficiency, expressed in units consistent with the emission limits of this subpart. Calculations of emission estimates should be in sufficient detail to permit assessment of the validity of the calculations.
NOTE: A facility can fulfill these report content requirements by complying with the permitting agency's new source review rule or policy, provided similar information is obtained.

Appendix 5 - Smoke Test for Chrome Tank Covers

1. Applicability and Principle
  1.1 Applicability. This alternative method is applicable to all hard chromium electroplating and anodizing operations where a chrome tank cover is used on the tank for reducing chromium emissions.
  1.2 Principle. During chromium electroplating or anodizing operations, bubbles of hydrogen and oxygen gas generated during the process rise to the surface of the tank liquid and burst. Upon bursting, tiny droplets of chromic acid (chromium mist) become entrained in the air above the tank. Because the chrome tank cover completely encloses the air above the tank, the chromium mist either falls back into the solution because of gravity or collects on the inside walls of the chrome tank cover and runs back into the solution. A semi-permeable membrane allows passage of the hydrogen and oxygen out of the chrome tank cover. A lit smoke device is placed inside the chrome tank cover to detect leaks at the membrane, joints, or seals.
2. Apparatus
  2.1 Smoke Device. Adequate to generate 500 to 1000 ft3 of smoke / 20 ft2 of tank surface area (e.g., Model #1A=15 SECONDS from Superior Signal, New York).
  2.2 Small Container. To hold the smoke device.
3. Procedure
  Place the small container on a stable and flat area at center of the chrome tank cover (you can use a board and place it on the buss bars). Place the smoke device inside the container. After lighting the smoke device, quickly close the access door to avoid smoke from escaping. Let smoke device completely burn; entire space under the chrome tank cover will now be filled with the smoke. Observe for leaks of smoke from each seal, joint, and membrane of the chrome tank cover. Record these observations including the locations and a qualitative assessment of any leaks of smoke.

When all seals, joints, and membranes have been observed, evacuate the unit to remove the smoke from the chrome tank cover.

Appendix 6

Air Pollution Control or Air Quality Management District Breakdown Rules
Amador 516 Upset and Breakdown Conditions
Antelope 430 Breakdown Provisions
Bay Area 1 General Provisions and Definitions
Butte 275 Reporting Procedures for Excess Emissions
Calaveras 516 Upset and Breakdown Conditions
Colusa 1.13 Equipment Breakdown
El Dorado 516 Upset and Breakdown Conditions
Feather River 9.6 Equipment Breakdown
Glenn 95.2 Malfunction of Equipment
Great Basin 403 Breakdown
Imperial 111 Equipment Breakdown
Kern 111 Equipment Breakdown
Lake Chapter III, Article II Malfunction
Lassen 2:15 Equipment Breakdown
Mariposa 516 Upset and Breakdown Conditions
Mendocino R1-5-540 Equipment Breakdown
Modoc 2.12 Equipment Breakdown
Mojave 430 Breakdown Provisions
Monterey Bay 214 Breakdown Condition
North Coast 3-4-540 Breakdown and Violation Reporting
North Coast 1-5-540 Equipment Breakdown
Northern Sierra 516 Upset and Breakdown Conditions
Northern Sonoma 1-5-540 Equipment Breakdown
Placer 404 Upset Conditions Breakdown Scheduled Maintenance
Sacramento 602 Breakdown Conditions: Emergency Variances
San Diego 98 Breakdown Conditions: Emergency Variances
San Joaquin 110 Equipment Breakdown
San Luis Obispo 107 Breakdown or Upset Conditions and Emergency Variances
Santa Barbara 505 Breakdown Conditions
Santa Barbara 506 Emergency Variances for Breakdowns
Shasta 3:10 Excess Emissions
Siskiyou 2.12 Equipment Breakdown (Siskiyou)
South Coast 430 Breakdown Provisions
Tehema 4:17 Upset or Breakdown Conditions
Tuolumne 516 Upset and Breakdown Conditions
Ventura 32 Breakdown Conditions; Emergency Variances
Yolo Solano 5.2 Upset / Breakdown Conditions: Emergency Variances
NOTE: Authority Cited: Sections 39600, 39601, 39650 and 39666, Health and Safety Code
  Reference: Sections 39650, 39665, and 39666, Health and Safety Code; and 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart N

Hexavalent Chromium ATCM