California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board Byron Sher Auditorium, Second Floor 1001 I Street Sacramento, California 95814 |
This facility is accessible by public transit. For transit information, call: (916) 321-BUSS, website http://www.sacrt.com/ (This facility is accessible to persons with disabilities.) |
December 8, 2005
9:00 a.m.
Agenda Item # |
Agenda Topic | |
05-12-1 |
Report to the Board on a Health Update -- Results of a Study on the Long-Term Effects of Ambient Particulate Matter (PM) on the Risk of Fatal Coronary Heart Disease | |
Staff will present a recent study that found an association between the risk of fatal heart disease in women and particulate matter (PM) concentrations. | ||
More Information Staff Presentation | ||
05-12-2 |
Public Meeting to Consider Eight (8) Research Proposals | |
"Economic Value of Reducing Cardiovascular Disease Associated with Air Pollution," San Diego State
University. "Fine-Scale Spatial and Temporal Variability of Particle Number Concentrations within Communities and in the Vicinity of Freeway Sound Walls," University of Southern California. "Physicochemical and Toxicological Assessment of the Semi-Volatile and Non-Volatile Fractions of PM from Heavy- and Light-Duty Vehicles Operating with and without Emissions Control Technologies," University of Southern California. "Ultrafine Particle Concentrations in Schoolrooms and Homes," University of California, Berkeley. "Augmentation to Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in New Homes," Indoor Environmental Engineering. "Light Duty Gasoline PM: Characterization of High Emitters and Valuation of Repairs for Emission Reduction," University of California, Riverside. "CO2 Emission Quantification from Vehicle Air Conditioning Operation in California-Specific Conditions," California State University, Northridge. "Improving the Carbon Dioxide Emission Estimates from the Combustion of Fossil Fuels in California," University of California, Berkeley. |
05-12-3 |
Public Meeting to Consider the Approval of New Grants under the Innovative Clean Air Technologies (ICAT) Program | |
Staff is recommending ICAT grants for four proposed projects: 1) "Cost-Effective NOx Control for Stationary Diesel Engines" by Catalytica Energy Systems, Inc.; 2) "Orbital Scythe Prototype Development and Testing" by O-Sage Power Equipment, LLC; 3) "Integrated CHP Using Ultra-Low-NOx Supplemental Firing" by Gas Technology Institute; and 4) "Freedom Air Commercial Field Demonstration Project w/ Long Beach Transit" by Rotec Design, Ltd. | ||
More Information | ||
05-12-8 |
Report to the Board on the Goods Movement Action Plan | |
Staff will update the Board on the Business Transportation & Housing and California Environmental Protection Agency's joint Goods Movement Action Plan, including how that plan relates to ongoing programs at the Air Resources Board and to the estimation of public health impacts. | ||
Staff Presentation | ||
05-12-4 |
Public Hearing to Consider the Proposed Regulation for Mobile Cargo Handling Equipment at Ports and Intermodal Rail Yards | |
The staff is proposing a regulation for Board consideration that would reduce emissions of diesel particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen from mobile cargo handling equipment used at ports and intermodal rail yards in California. | ||
More Information Staff Presentation | ||
05-12-5 |
Public Hearing to Consider a Proposed Regulation for Auxiliary Diesel Engines and Diesel-Electric Engines Operated on Ocean-Going Vessels | |
The staff is proposing a regulation for Board consideration that would reduce emissions of particulate matter, oxides of nitrogen, and sulfur oxides from the use of auxiliary diesel engines and diesel-electric engines operated on ocean-going vessels located within 24 nautical miles of the California coastline. The proposed regulation would apply to both U.S.-flagged vessels and foreign-flagged vessels. | ||
More Information Staff Presentation | ||
05-12-6 |
Public Hearing to Consider the Proposed Diesel Particulate Matter (PM) Control Measure for On-Road Heavy-Duty Diesel-Fueled Vehicles Owned or Operated by Public Agencies and Utilities | |
Diesel vehicles owned and operated by public agencies and utilities operate in residential communities on a regular basis, resulting in an increase in the communities' risk of exposure to toxic emissions and oxides of nitrogen. The proposed regulations would require that these fleets reduce their diesel emissions through application of best available control technology as specified. | ||
More Information Staff Presentation | ||
05-12-7 |
Report to the Board on the Final Modifications to the 2005 Revisions to the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines | |
At its November 17, 2005 meeting, the Board adopted the 2005 revisions to the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines with various modifications identified at the meeting. The Executive Officer will report to the Board on the final drafting of these modifications. | ||
Although no formal Board action may be taken, the Board is allowing an opportunity to interested members of
the public to address the Board on items of interest that are within the Board's jurisdiction, but that do not
specifically appear on the agenda. Each person will be allowed a maximum of five minutes to ensure that everyone
has a chance to speak.
CONTACT CLERK OF THE BOARD, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 |
322-5594 |