SPECIATE v3.2 Intro and User's Guide November 1, 2002 SPECIATE is EPA's respository of Total Organic Compound (TOC) and Particulate Matter (PM) speciated profiles for a wide variety of sources. The profiles in this system are provided as a library of available profiles for source-receptor and source apportionment type models, such as CMB8. INTERFACE: SPECIATE v3.2 is a 32-bit program can that run under Windows 95/98/ME or Windows NT/2000/XP. As a Windows compatible system, this version of SPECIATE supports the following graphical user interface features: - pull-down menu - toolbar - tabbed pages - scrollable grids - status bar - windows-style help - VCR-style navigation buttons INSTALLATION If you have earlier versions of SPECIATE installed, you can keep it as long as SPECIATE v3.2 is in a separate directory. To install the SPECIATE software and data, first download the 3 MB SPEC32.EXE program file. Then run the installation program, which will ask you where to extract the SPECIATE system. The software and data will need 10 MB of free space. OVERVIEW Profiles may be browsed in a scrollable grid. Users may sort the profiles by title, keyword, specie, or profile number. Users can jump to a particular profile of interest by using the Go To... button which prompts the user for input based on the current sort order. Species contained in the profile can be sorted by specie name, CAS number, or in descending order by percent. Users can view all of the keywords assigned to a profile. The QUERY feature allows users to filter the database to view a group of profiles that have a common specie or keyword. The QUERY feature also allows users to filter the data on species contained in a profile in excess of a particular limit set by the user. The results of the QUERY can be fine-tuned by the user by selecting any additional or by deselecting any included profiles simply by double clicking on the BROWSE grid. Once the desired QUERY result is set, the selected records can be saved to export files for use in other programs. There are four different types of output formats: database, ASCII Text, and CMB8 Comma Separated Value (CSV). See the SPECIATE HELP file for more details on the CMB8 export format. Additional details on the following functions are provided below: DISPLAY, BROWSE, PROFILE, DETAIL, QUERY, SORT, MOVE, VIEW, EDIT, EXPORT and PRINT. DISPLAY After starting SPECIATE, a tabular view of the SPECIATE TOC database will be displayed in a BROWSE grid. To view details of the current record, click on the DETAIL tab. To go back to the tabular view, click on the BROWSE tab. The BROWSE, PROFILE and DETAIL views provide navigation and sorting of the database. To create a QUERY of the data, click on the QUERY tab. The remaining topics in this readme.txt file include BROWSE, PROFILE, DETAIL, QUERY, SORT, MOVE, VIEW, EDIT, EXPORT, and PRINT. This information is also available as on-line help while running SPECIATE v3.2 and by clicking on the SPECIATE Help icon available in the SPECIATE folder or program group after installation. BROWSE The Browse page contains a grid that displays the profiles. The grid can be sorted in several orders. Move around in the grid by using the vertical scroll bar or by using the buttons and menu options. To view the profile of the current row, click the Profile Tab. To view details of the current row, click on the Detail tab. To go back to the grid view, click on the Browse tab. The column widths and orders can be changed by clicking and dragging in the column title. Click on the Query tab to setup and run a query. The results of the query will automatically be displayed on the Browse page with the view set to show only the included rows. The query results can be modified manually by double clicking or by pressing the space bar. The final results can be exported to a database file. To clear the included rows, use the Clear button from the toolbar. PROFILE Click on the Profile tab to view the profile of the current record including speciated compounds and percents. From this page, you can change the sort order and move from record to record by using the buttons or by using menu options. Click on either the Browse tab to see the grid view of the profiles, click on the Detail tab to see the profile's notes, references, and keywords, or click on the Query tab to setup and run a query to filter the records. DETAIL Click on the Detail tab to view the details of the current record such as notes, reference, and keywords. From this page, you can change the sort order and move from record to record by using the buttons or by using menu options. Click on either the Browse tab to see the grid view of the profiles, or click on the Query tab to setup and run a query to filter the records. QUERY The rows in the Browse grid can be filtered by Profile Name, keyword, species, or Profile Number. After clicking on the Query tab, use the pull-down list to select either Name, Keyword, Species or Number. The column widths and orders can be changed by clicking and dragging in the column title. After sorting by Species, the grid will display species synonyms and the species preferred name. The preferred name is the one that is displayed with the profile in the Profile page. Including a synonym will automatically include all of its synonyms and the preferred name. Preferred names are displayed in bold navy blue, while synonyms are displayed in bold black. Only preferred names will be displayed after selecting View|Included Rows from the menu. To set the filter criteria, select the desired Profile Names, Keywords, Species and Profile Numbers to be included in the query. This can be done by double clicking on the records containing the input value. Once all of the desired query criteria have been selected, click the Run button from the toolbar to run the query. The results will automatically be displayed in the Browse page with the view set to included rows only. To clear the included rows, use the Clear button from the toolbar. Note: The Clear button will only clear those rows in the currently displayed grid. To clear all Names, Keywords, Species and Numbers, first select Name and press Clear, then select Keyword and press Clear, and so on. SORT The grid can be sorted by Profile Name, Keywords, Species, or Profile Numbers. The sort order can be changed by selecting the Sort menu or by using the MOVE Moving around in the grid can be accomplished by pressing the arrow keys, using the vertical scroll bar, selecting the Move menu, or by using |<, <, >, >| buttons from the tool bar. The |<, <, >, >| buttons move to the top, previous, next or last row in the grid. Holding the mouse button down while on the previous or next button, will successively move to the previous or next record, respectively. The Go to... button moves to the desired Profile Name, Keyword, Specie or Profile Number depending on the sort order. After typing the desired Name, Keyword, Specie, or Number in the Go To dialog window, press OK to move to the row that begins with the entered value. VIEW The Browse, Profile, Detail, or the Query page can be displayed by clicking on the appropriate tab. The records viewed in the grid can be changed by selecting the View menu or by using the the toolbar to toggle between viewing all of the records in the grid or just the selected rows. While viewing the Browse or the Query page, selected records are displayed in bold navy blue, while unselected records are in black. In the Query page, selected preferred species are displayed in bold navy blue, while selected synonyms are displayed in bold black. EDIT Click the Include... button on the toolbar, to select a group of records. You will be prompted for input based on the current sort order. On the Query Page, once all of the Profile Names, Keywords, Species or Profile Numbers have been selected, press the Run button from the toolbar to run the query. The results will automatically be displayed in the Browse page. To clear the included rows, click the Clear button from the toolbar. NOTE: Clear will only clear those rows in the currently displayed grid. To clear all Profile Names, Keywords, Species or Profile Numbers first select Names from the pull-down list, and press Clear, then select Keywords from the pull-down list and press Clear, and so on. EXPORT Records can be exported as files for use in other programs. To export records to a file select the File|Export menu. You will be prompted for the name and type of the output file. If you are viewing PM profiles, the size fractions to be exported will be those selected with the checkboxes on the profile page. There are three different types of output formats: delimited ASCII Text, Comma Separated Value (CSV), and DBF, all suitable for import to CMB8. ASCII Text or CSV or DBF Most modern spread sheet programs can open a database or an ASCII text file. A file name with a .TXT extension will result in a ASCII text file; a file name with a .DBF extension will be saved in database format; file name with a .CSV extension will result in a comma separated text file. After entering the name of the output file, and pressing OK, the view will automatically be changed to display only the included rows. Only the included rows will be copied to the output file. The records saved in the output file will be in the current sort order of the Browse grid. The number of rows copied will be displayed on the status bar. The first row of the ASCII text file or CSV file contains the field names. PRINT To print a Profile select the File|Print menu. You will be prompted with a Print dialog window from which you may choose to print the Current Record Only or All Included Records. If printing All Included Records, the view will automatically be changed to display only the included rows. The rows will be printed in the current sort order of the Browse grid. Each record will be printed on a separate page to the default printer. To print to a file, check the "Print to Text File" box. After pressing OK, you will be prompted for the name of the output file if the "Print to Text File" box was checked.