Research Breakthroughs Benefit California Air Quality
SACRAMENTO – The California Air Resources Board (ARB) since 1970 has sponsored a comprehensive program of research into the causes, effects and possible solutions to air pollution in California. Acknowledging these accomplishments, the ARB has created a brief summary report, describing each of these studies from 1989 to present.
ARB Executive Officer, Michael Kenny said, "Part of our mission at the ARB is to assure Californians that we are advancing toward meeting our goals to reduce air pollution." He added, "This summary gives us a general overview of the progress we have made through research studies to fulfill this commitment."
ARB's research program is based on the need to develop a better understanding of emission and transport of air pollutants, related atmospheric reactions, the effect of air pollution on health and the environment, and control of air pollution. The goal of the program is to provide the timely scientific and technical information needed to develop and support the public policy decisions required for an effective air pollution control program in California.
A few highlights mentioned in the report that led to improvements in air quality include:
Mobile Sources of Air Pollution:
- Effect of Phase 1 and Phase 2 Gasoline Blends on Evaporative and Exhaust Emissions From Light-Duty Vehicles
- Demonstration of a Non-Additive Lean Nox Catalytic Converter for Heavy Duty Diesel Engines
- Effects of the Use of Low-Oxygenate Gasoline Blends Upon Emissions From Gasoline Vehicles
Toxic Air Contaminants:
- Evaluation of Factors that Affect Diesel Exhaust Toxicity
- Methanol Fuel Additive Demonstration
- Controlling Locomotive Emissions in California
Health Effects of Air Pollution:
- Studies to determine the Long-Term Health Effects of Acidic Atmospheres
- Toxicity of Chemical Constituents of PM10 in the South Coast Air Basin of California
- A Pilot Survey of Human Lung Tissue for Air Pollution Effects in Los Angeles County
Ecological Effects of Air Pollution:
- Statewide Potential Yield Losses from Ozone Exposure
- Crop Loss from Air Pollutants Assessment Program
- Risks to California Forests Due to Regional Ozone Pollution
These are just a few examples of the various research studies sponsored by the ARB. The Research Division manages the ARB's research programs in close coordination with other air pollution research organizations including: private entities, universities and other governmental agencies.
If you would like to obtain a copy of the Air Pollution Research Summary please contact ARB's Public Information Office at (916) 322-2990.