Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Report Released
SACRAMENTO -- The California Air Resources Board (ARB) and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) have jointly released a report on the health effects of "secondhand smoke" or Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS).
ETS is a source of exposure to toxic air contaminants indoors, particularly to nonsmokers, infants and children and those with chronic respiratory problems. The report outlines the carcinogenic effects that ETS has on childhood development, respiratory and cardiovascular systems in humans.
The ARB is hearing this as an informational item on October 23, 1997, and intends to pass the report on to the California Department of Health Services Tobacco Control Program for appropriate action under their mandate as the State's lead agency for addressing health effects related to tobacco use. While the ARB has the authority to identify compounds as toxic air contaminants, it does not have the authority to control indoor air pollution.
For a copy of the report, call the ARB's Office of Communications at (916) 322-2990 or download it from OEHHA.