California Air Resources Board' s Enforcement Efforts Hit Record Highs in 2005
SACRAMENTO – The California Air Resources Board's (ARB) enforcement efforts in 2005 cut pollution by more than 100 tons per day according to the recently released ARB 2005 Annual Report of Enforcement Activities.
Compared to 2004, ARB' s enforcement actions achieved significantly increased numbers in 2005, 20 percent more cases closed and 164 percent more in fines paid by violators. Some key highlights presented in the 2005 Annual Report of Enforcement Activities are:
- 1,576 Cases / Citations Closed
- $11,839,500 in Penalties Collected
- Increased Enforcement of Commercial Vehicle and Railroad Idling Program
- Over 17,000 Heavy-Duty Vehicles Inspected
- Over 1,200 Commercial and School Bus Idling Inspections
- Over 1,000 Gasoline Cargo Tank Trucks Inspected
- Over 1,800 Consumer Product Samples Taken During Inspections
- Emphasized Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle Enforcement at the California-Mexico Border, at the Long Beach, Los Angeles and Oakland Ports and Other Environmental Justice Areas.
Dr. Robert Sawyer, ARB Chairman, said "It' s this commitment and dedication that makes California such a progressive state; the accomplishments of our enforcement team are necessary to meet Governor Schwarzenegger' s air quality goals. Fair and effective enforcement of regulations and programs to reduce emissions and exposures is critical to our success at cleaning the air and protecting public health."
Violations of California' s air quality laws and regulations span a wide range from minor breaches of the state' s regulations to criminal actions. State law gives the ARB direct authority to regulate pollution from motor vehicles. The enforcement program ensures the ARB' s research, modeling and assessment; and development and adoption of regulations achieve the anticipated emission reductions for a healthier California.
ARB staff conducts inspections of trucks and buses for excessive smoke emissions and engine tampering and modifications at border crossings, CHP inspection facilities and other locations. The Enforcement Division ensures that all regulated mobile sources are compliant with ARB emission standards. The Fuels Enforcement Program ensures compliance with motor vehicle regulations, including those for reformulated gasoline, diesel fuel, and cargo tank vapor recovery. The ARB also has the authority to test consumer products for compliance with specified volatile organic compound emission standards exclusive for California.
The ARB is responsible for controlling emissions from statewide sources of air pollution, mobile sources, toxic air contaminants and consumer products. Additionally, ARB oversees the efforts of 35 local air pollution agencies. To review the ARB's 2005 Annual Report of Enforcement Activities, please visit: