California Air Resources Board Endorses Recommendation for Staff Assistance in Advanced Emission Reductions to Local Districts
SACRAMENTO – The California Air Resources Board (ARB) at its March meeting endorsed a draft document that describes additional methods that local air quality districts can use to further reduce emissions from stationary sources and include in their California Clean Air Act (CCAA) plans.
To assist the districts in updating their plans, the ARB's draft document includes new methods or procedures that may allow industrial sources to further reduce ozone- forming emissions. The draft document, which has statewide implications, identifies 25 separate source categories including: graphic arts, industrial boilers, wood products coating operations, solvent cleaning and de-greasing processes. This document will also aid the districts in meeting achievable performance standards and will help anticipate the use and availability of emerging technologies, whenever applicable.
ARB Chairman John Dunlap said, "We are optimistic that this ongoing process will strengthen our partnerships with California stakeholders. It will also give local districts added flexibility in meeting their clean air goals as they develop their plans to meet California's clean air plans."
Twenty-one of the state's thirty-five air quality management districts are required to develop air quality plans under the CCAA that will meet the California ambient air quality standards. The CCAA requires districts to develop plans demonstrating reductions of non-attainment pollutants of at least five percent annually, averaged over three years. As the districts have not been able to achieve these reductions, the CCAA provides that districts can develop approvable attainment plans on the basis of demonstrating adoption of every feasible measure, provided the plans commit to implementation on a timely schedule.