ARB announces appointment of new Executive Officer
SACRAMENTO - The California Air Resources Board today announced that it has appointed Richard Corey to be the Board's new Executive Officer.
"Richard brings 28 years of professional experience to this position, including an impressive track record of strong managerial accomplishments within ARB" said ARB Chairman Mary D. Nichols.
"He is also is an innovator in the world of air quality and has a proven record of working productively with diverse sets of stakeholders. Time and again, he has demonstrated the ability to consider divergent viewpoints and arrive at creative solutions."
Prior to his appointment as Executive Officer Corey served as Deputy Executive Officer overseeing the Stationary Source Division where he was responsible for a broad range of programs including fuels, incentives, air toxics, and climate change.; He also oversaw the Agency's administrative and information technology groups.
Most recently in the area of climate change programs Corey oversaw the establishment of the second largest carbon market in the world, supervising the development and implementation of California's pioneering cap and trade regulation, including the first two successful auctions of carbon allowances.
Corey has been responsible for implementing a wide variety of programs at ARB including the low carbon fuel standard, and measures and incentives to reduce emissions from a variety of goods movement sources. These include port trucking, transport refrigeration units, cargo handling operations, maritime operations, and rail-related goods movement.
In addition, he played leadership roles in key programs that have significantly reduced emissions and contributed to improving public health including the development and implementation of the cleaner- burning gasoline regulations, measures to reduce emissions from stationary and portable diesel engines, and several strategies to reduce emissions of toxic air contaminants from a wide variety of sources.
Corey oversaw the development of a system within the clean vehicle regulations (AB 1493, Pavley) that incentivized more efficient low greenhouse gas emitting automotive refrigeration systems.
His groundbreaking work in this new program demonstrated that opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles go well beyond the tailpipe.
Corey has worked on establishing and implementing the Board's air toxics program as well as efforts to verify low emission distributed generation technologies, along with managing the program to reduce ozone-forming emissions from a broad spectrum of consumer products. In addition, he led the effort to develop the Board's strategy for reducing emissions of the most potent greenhouse gases from large refrigeration systems.
Corey, currently the acting Executive Officer, takes over from James Goldstene who was recently appointed by the Governor as undersecretary at the California State and Consumer Services Agency.
Corey, 53, is married with two grown children. He has an undergraduate degree in Environmental Toxicology as well as an MBA from the University of California, Davis.