ARB accepts $460,000 to settle clean-air violations
SACRAMENTO - The Air Resources Board announced today $460,256 in settlements with two companies for violations of consumer products rules that protect air quality.
The money goes to the California Air Pollution Control Fund for projects and research to improve the state’s air quality.
“ARB has a long and cooperative history working with manufacturers to reduce VOC emissions,” said ARB Executive Officer James Goldstene. “These efforts have reduced statewide emissions by over 225 tons per day."
California limits volatile organic compounds to reduce ground level ozone. Volatile organic compounds mix with other air pollutants, and when exposed to sunlight, form ozone, also known as smog. Ozone inflames the respiratory tract, causes coughing, chest tightness and aggravation of asthma symptoms, and poses a serious threat to sufferers of cardio-pulmonary disease. Ozone can also substantially damage crops, forests and native plants.
Armstrong Hardwood Flooring Company, of Pennsylvania, was fined $228,000 for distributing 35,700 gallons of Bruce’s Hardwood & Laminate Floor Cleaner that exceeded the state’s maximum allowance of VOCs. The company has reformulated the product and is currently selling the corrected version in California.
Wurth, USA, of Ramsey, N.J, was fined $232,256 for distributing units of its lubricant saBesto HHS 2000 which contained levels of VOCs that exceeded allowable limits. When confronted with the violations, Wurth undertook a thorough review of its product line and, coupled with ongoing inquiries by ARB, discovered that 43 additional products they distributed in California violated state regulations.