Air Board Brings Clean Cars to CSU Sacramento Campus
SACRAMENTO -- The California Air Resources Board (ARB) kicked off the ZEV College Tour 2002 Wednesday at California State University, Sacramento. Students, faculty and others were able to see various clean vehicles first-hand and ask questions about the technologies used to power them. Participants also got handson experience behind the wheel of zero-emission and hybrid-electric vehicles.
Questions were fielded from participants about the clean transportation choices on display and some had the opportunity to drive electric and hybrid-electric vehicles around campus. Participants saw clean technologies at work, sat in vehicles and got performance information for each vehicle on display.
ARB Chairman, Alan Lloyd, said, "University students are the automobile buyers of the future. Showing clean car technologies on campus allows students to ask questions and drive the different models they may consider purchasing after graduation. Through this effort, we hope clean air will be a factor in their decision."
A Toyota RAV4 EV, Honda Insight, Toyota Prius, natural gas Honda Civic, single-passenger Sparrow, E-Scooter and E-Bike were all on display. ARB staff were available to answer questions about the vehicles on display in the library quad. Common questions were about the range of a vehicle, performance, cost, convenience and refueling time.
More than 60 drivers got behind the wheel at the ride and drive portion of the event. A Toyota RAV4 EV and a hybrid-electric Toyota Prius were driven on a route around campus, giving participants real-world driving experience.
Pauline Russell, a CSUS junior majoring in Criminal Justice, drove three vehicles at the ride and drive. She concluded that the Prius would suit her current needs best. "I personally do a lot of driving, so the hybrid would be the best for me."
After driving the Toyota RAV4 EV, CSUS sophomore, Kris Karas said, "It's a lot like driving a regular SUV, but it's quieter." He also said he was impressed with how practical the vehicle was and would like to consider a clean car for his next vehicle purchase.
For more information about clean vehicles, see or click here.