MEDIA ADVISORY: Air Resources Board cracks down on polluting trucks in Border area
OTAY MESA - The Air Resources Board is working with the California Highway Patrol to conduct inspections on heavy-duty trucks traveling in and around the Otay Mesa area near the Mexican Border. The effort is a continuation of ARB’s enforcement actions throughout the state.
More recent ARB strike forces have been conducted in Fresno, Salinas and Los Angeles.
NOTE: Please do not publicly disclose location prior to event!
WHAT: Truck inspections to check for compliance with state air pollution laws
WHO: California Air Resources Board, California Highway Patrol
WHEN: Tuesday, September 10 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon (ongoing inspections)
WHERE: Drucker Lane south of Kerns St. (Approach from Kerns St. if possible to avoid major truck traffic.) LOOK FOR LONG ROADSIDE PULLOUT AREA.
PARKING: Please park along Kerns street or in nearby parking lots if space is available.
VISUALS: Heavy-duty big rigs, ARB and CHP uniformed inspectors, inspections in progress, etc.
NOTE: Spanish-speaking representatives will be available for interviews.
Measures aimed at cleaning up diesel vehicles include requirements to report fleet information to ARB, employ fuel-saving technology, install diesel soot filters and replace or upgrade aging engines and transport refrigeration units.