Key Energy Services pays $52,000 fine for smoke inspection violations
SACRAMENTO - The California Air Resources Board announced today a settlement from Key Energy Services LLC for air quality violations.
Through an audit, ARB investigators found that Key Energy Services, based in Houston, Texas, failed to test its California fleet’s diesel engine emissions, as required by California law.
“Controlling diesel exhaust is vital to the health of every Californian,” said ARB Enforcement Chief James Ryden. “It also insures that all businesses that operate diesel vehicles are held to the same standard.”
The violations by Key Energy Services, an energy production service provider, occurred in 2008 and 2009. The settlement of $51,750 was distributed between the California Air Pollution Control Fund which received $38,812.50 for air quality improvement projects, and the Peralta Community College District received $12,937.50 for diesel education and technology programs.
The settlement requires Key Energy Services to:
- Provide testing and general compliance records to ARB for the next two years;
- Properly label engines to ensure compliance with the engine emissions certification program regulations;
- Instruct vehicle operators to comply with the state’s idling regulations;
- Within one year, have all appropriate staff attend a diesel education and technology class that instructs adherence with state emission laws; and,
- Complete heavy-duty diesel engine software and control technology upgrades in compliance with regulations.
Diesel exhaust contains a variety of harmful gases and over 40 other known cancer-causing compounds. Research has identified diesel particulate matter as a toxic air contaminant based on its potential to cause cancer, premature death and other health problems.