Ford Motor Company Pays $150,000 for Emissions Labeling Case Settlement
SACRAMENTO – Ford Motor Company has paid $150,000 to settle a case with the California Environmental Protection Agency's Air Resources Board (ARB).
ARB found that during the years 1997-2000, Ford installed incorrect emissions labels on an estimated 3000 California certified vehicles. Michael Kenny, Executive Officer of ARB, said, "Proper and complete emissions information from manufacturers is crucial if we are to successfully protect the health of Californians." The $150,000 will be placed in the California Air Pollution Control Fund (APCF) which is used to mitigate various air pollution sources throughout the state.
Installing incorrect emissions labels is a violation of California law (Health and Safety Code Section 43212). Manufacturers must use clear and appropriate labels to assure vehicle compliance and maximize inspection efficiency. These labels state in part how a vehicle is certified and identify the major emission control devices used for a given engine family. ARB and other state inspectors depend on this information to determine if a vehicle is legal for sale and use in California. The labels also give critical information at the time of Smog Check.
As part of the settlement, Ford has taken steps to minimize the possibility of any future mislabeling on the assembly line. To ensure accurate replacement of labels, they have tightened their label ordering process. Ford will also provide its dealers with information on California's emissions regulations, vehicle labeling requirements, and procedures to check each label at the time of delivery. In addition, for one year Ford will audit the emissions labels installed on completed vehicles and provide ARB with quarterly reports summarizing the results.
The Air Resources Board is a department of the California Environmental Protection Agency. ARB's mission is to promote and protect public health, welfare, and ecological resources through effective reduction of air pollutants while recognizing and considering effects on the economy. The ARB oversees all air pollution control efforts in California to attain and maintain health based air quality standards.