“Climate Refugees: The Human Face of Climate Change”
Free screening of award winning documentary
Release Number
SACRAMENTO - Tuesday, April 26, the Air Resources Board will show the internationally acclaimed “Climate Refugees”, a film that examines the global impacts and political ramifications of climate change.
After the showing a panel will discuss the film and take questions from the audience.
- WHAT: Free Screening of “Climate Refugees” - http://www.climaterefugees.com/
Roundtable discussion to follow
- WHO:California Air Resources Board, Special Assistant to the Chairman, Virgil Welch
"Climate Refugees” Producer, Justin Hogan
Gifford Center for Population Studies at UC Davis, Executive Director, David Kyle
- WHEN:12:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 26, 2011
- WHERE:California Environmental Protection Agency, Headquarters
1001 I St., Byron Sher Auditorium, 2nd Floor
“Climate Refugees” examines the impact of changing climate around the globe. The film reveals the various forces at work and still needed to address the threat that confronts people around the world.
CARB's mission is to promote and protect public health, welfare, and ecological resources through effective reduction of air pollutants while recognizing and considering effects on the economy. CARB is the lead agency for climate change programs and oversees all air pollution control efforts in California to attain and maintain health-based air quality standards.