Bombardier Agrees to $783K for Selling Uncertified ATVs
SACRAMENTO - The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has announced that Bombardier, a Canada-based company that designs, manufactures and sells recreational vehicles, power sports engines and other motorized equipment, has been fined $783,000 for importing and delivering illegal vehicles in violation of state law.
Acting on a tip from the US EPA, CARB investigators found that Bombardier failed to disclose that it programmed the engines of Can AM 450 model ATVs, model years 2008 – 2009 in such a way that consumers can access a high-performance racing program by simply cutting a single wire attached to the engine.
“We take very seriously the failure of any manufacturer to meet our vehicle certification requirements,” said CARB Enforcement Division Chief Todd Sax. “The goal is to improve California’s air quality. We are confident that Bombardier understands our mission and that they will work to ensure that this kind of violation will not recur.”
Variable or adjustable calibrations within the emission control system that allow owners to change how the engine runs may result in enhanced vehicle performance, but could also significantly increase smog-forming emissions. Such adjustable calibrations are prohibited by California law if they are not disclosed to CARB prior to the vehicle’s approval for sale. They are also prohibited if the emission control systems make it possible for vehicle owners or dealerships to make adjustments outside the certified configuration.
Bombardier will pay $587,000 to the California Air Pollution Control Fund to support air pollution research, and $196,000 to the San Joaquin Valley School Bus Supplemental Environmental Project to help fund purchase of cleaner school buses.