California Air Quality and Climate Legislation

CARB’s Office of Legislative Affairs serves as the principal resource on legislative issues relative to air quality and climate change for the California Environmental Protection Agency and the Governor’s Office. The Office of Legislative Affairs provides technical expertise relating to pending legislation and serves as a resource to the Legislature and legislative staff.

CARB's 2020 California Air Quality and Climate Legislation webpage catalogues the most pertinent legislation that CARB's Office of Legislative Affairs tracked during the previous Legislative session. Beginning with the 2020 session, CARB transitioned to this modernized, web-based platform, which can be accessed below. The annual summaries for the 1998 through 2019 sessions are available at CARB's California Air Quality Legislation Archive.

8 bills found for
SessionBill NumberBill TitleAuthor CategoryStatus
2021-2022 SB 12 2021 – Senate Bill 12 (McGuire, Mike), Local Government Planning and Zoning: Wildfires (2-Year)McGuire.Mike Forestry and Wildfire Prevention, Transportation Planning, Land Use, and Housing 2-year
2021-2022 SB 12 2022 - SB 12 (McGuire, Mike), Local Government: Planning and Zoning: Wildfires (Dead)McGuire.Mike Transportation Planning, Land Use, and Housing, Forestry and Wildfire Prevention Dead
2019-2020 SB 431 2020 - Senate Bill 431 (McGuire, Mike), Backup Electrical Supply Rules for Telecommunications Service (Dead)McGuire.Mike Air Quality and Emissions, Enforcement and Penalties, Local Air Districts Dead
2019-2020 SB 498 2020 - Senate Bill 498 (Hurtado, Melissa), Short-Line Railroad Funding (Dead)Hurtado.Melissa Freight Transportation and Ports Dead
2019-2020 SB 629 2020 - Senate Bill 629 (McGuire, Mike), Notice Requirements for Hearing Boards (N/A)McGuire.Mike Local Air Districts N/A
2019-2020 SB 988 2020 - Senate Bill 988 (McGuire, Mike), Aviation Fuel (Dead)McGuire.Mike Climate Change, Fuels Dead
2019-2020 SB 1117 2020 - Senate Bill 1117 (Monning, William), Billing Credits Sub-Metered Customers (Chaptered)Monning.William Climate Change, Energy Chaptered
2021-2022 SB 1274 2022 - SB 1274 (McGuire, Mark), Environmental Quality: Environmental Leadership Development Projects: Clean Energy Transmission Projects: Offshore Wind (Dead)McGuire.Mike CEQA, Transportation Planning, Land Use, and Housing Dead

If you have any questions concerning CARB-related legislation, contact the Legislative Office at (916) 322-2896.