California Air Quality and Climate Legislation

CARB’s Office of Legislative Affairs serves as the principal resource on legislative issues relative to air quality and climate change for the California Environmental Protection Agency and the Governor’s Office. The Office of Legislative Affairs provides technical expertise relating to pending legislation and serves as a resource to the Legislature and legislative staff.

CARB's 2020 California Air Quality and Climate Legislation webpage catalogues the most pertinent legislation that CARB's Office of Legislative Affairs tracked during the previous Legislative session. Beginning with the 2020 session, CARB transitioned to this modernized, web-based platform, which can be accessed below. The annual summaries for the 1998 through 2019 sessions are available at CARB's California Air Quality Legislation Archive.

25 bills found for
SessionBill NumberBill TitleAuthor CategoryStatus
2021-2022 AB 2 2021 – Assembly Bill 2 (Fong, Vince), Regulation Review (Dead)Fong.Vince Administrative Procedures Dead
2021-2022 AB 5 2022 – Assembly Bill 5 (Fong, Vince), Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: High-Speed Rail Authority: K–12 Education: Transfer (Dead)Fong.Vince Climate Change, Alternative Mobility Dead
2021-2022 AB 5 2021 – Assembly Bill 5 (Fong, Vince), Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: High-Speed Rail Authority: K–12 Education: transfer (2-Year)Fong.Vince Climate Change, Alternative Mobility 2-year
2021-2022 AB 297 2022 – Assembly Bill 297 (Gallagher, James), Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: Fire Prevention (Dead)Gallagher.James Climate Change, Forestry and Wildfire Prevention Dead
2021-2022 AB 297 2021 – Assembly Bill 297 (Gallagher, James), Fire Prevention (2-Year)Gallagher.James Climate Change, Forestry and Wildfire Prevention 2-year
2023-2024 AB 501 2023 – Assembly Bill 501 (Fong, Vince), Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: High-Speed Rail Authority: water infrastructure: transfer and loan (2-Year)Fong.Vince Climate Change N/A
2021-2022 AB 648 2022 – Assembly Bill 648 (Fong, Vince), Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: Healthy Forest and Fire Prevention: Appropriation (Dead) Fong.Vince Climate Change, Forestry and Wildfire Prevention Dead
2021-2022 AB 648 2021 – Assembly Bill 648 (Fong, Vince), Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: Healthy Forest and Fire Prevention: Appropriation (2-Year)Fong.Vince Climate Change, Forestry and Wildfire Prevention 2-year
2021-2022 AB 680 2021 – Assembly Bill 680 (Burke, Autumn), Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: California Jobs Plan Act of 2021 (Chaptered)Burke.Autumn Climate Change Chaptered
2023-2024 AB 1044 2023 – Assembly Bill 1044 (Gallagher, James), California Agriculture Relief Act (N/A) Gallagher.James Air Quality and Emissions N/A
2021-2022 AB 1261 2021 - Assembly Bill 1261 (Burke, Autumn), State Air Resources Board: Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Incentive Programs (Chaptered)Burke.Autumn Incentives Chaptered
2023-2024 AB 1265 2023 – Assembly Bill 1265 (Gallagher, James), Transportation fuels: gasoline specifications (Dead) Gallagher.James Fuels Dead
2021-2022 AB 1325 2021 - Assembly Bill 1325 (Burke, Autumn), Clean Community Microgrid Incentive Program (2-Year)Burke.Autumn Energy 2-year
2021-2022 AB 1325 2022 - Assembly Bill 1325 (Burke, Autumn), Clean Community Microgrid Incentive Program (Dead)Burke.Autumn Energy, Incentives Dead
2019-2020 AB 1431 2020 - Assembly Bill 1431 (Burke, Autumn), Greenhouse Gases: Education, Career Technical Education, Job Training, and Workforce Development (Dead)Burke.Autumn Climate Change Dead
2021-2022 AB 1519 2022 - Assembly Bill 1519 (Gallagher, James), Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: Forestry: Fuels Transportation Program: Biomass Energy Facility: Grant Program (Dead)Gallagher.James Climate Change Dead
2021-2022 AB 1519 2021 - Assembly Bill 1519 (Gallagher, James), Forestry: Fuels Transportation Program: Biomass Energy Facility: Grant Program (2-Year)Gallagher.James Climate Change 2-year
2021-2022 AB 1523 2022 – Assembly Bill 1523 (Gallagher, James), Greenhouse Gases (Dead)Gallagher.James Administrative Procedures, Climate Change, Local Air Districts Dead
2021-2022 AB 1523 2021 – Assembly Bill 1523 (Gallagher, James), Regulation of Greenhouse Gases (2-year)Gallagher.James Administrative Procedures, Climate Change, Local Air Districts 2-year
2021-2022 AB 1679 2022 – Assembly Bill 1679 (Fong, Vince), Supply Chain Senior Advisor (Dead) Fong.Vince Freight Transportation and Ports Dead
2019-2020 AB 1942 2020 – Assembly Bill 1942 (Gallagher, James), Fire Prevention Funding (Dead)Gallagher.James Climate Change Dead
2021-2022 AB 1952 2022 - Assembly Bill 1952 (Gallagher, James), Infill Infrastructure Grant Program of 2019 (Dead)Gallagher.James CEQA, Transportation Planning, Land Use, and Housing Dead
2021-2022 AB 2798 2022 - Assembly Bill 2798 (Fong, Vince), Freight: Development Projects (Chaptered)Fong.Vince Freight Transportation and Ports Chaptered
2019-2020 AB 3128 2020 - Assembly Bill 3128 (Burke, Autumn), Fuel Cell Incentives for Deenergization Events (Dead)Burke.Autumn Air Quality and Emissions, Energy, Enforcement and Penalties, Local Air Districts Dead
2019-2020 AB 3223 2020 - Assembly Bill 3223 (Gallagher, James), Public Agency Liability for Information Practices Act Violations (Dead)Gallagher.James Administrative Procedures Dead

If you have any questions concerning CARB-related legislation, contact the Legislative Office at (916) 322-2896.