Regulation FAQs
Compliance Overview: Overview of off-road regulation requirements, including those in effect now and future requirements.
Regulation Overview | en Español: Explanation of the applicability of the rule and a summary of requirements.
Agricultural Equipment | en Español: Equipment used in agricultural operations may have special exemptions in the regulation.
Electric Ground Support Equipment (GSE) at Airports: Electric GSE at airports may be reported for partial credit towards the emissions requirements.
General Applicability: Determine if your vehicles are exempt due to the personal use, snow removal, job corps, or other exemptions.
Portable Equipment | en Español: Self-propelled off-road diesel vehicles that may require registration as portable equipment.
Rail and Track Equipment: How to determine if your rail or track vehicle is covered by the regulation.
Two-Engine Vehicles: Determine if your vehicle is a two-engine vehicle
Workover Rigs: How to determine if your rig is considered a workover rig in the off-road regulation.
Yard Trucks: How to determine which regulation applies to your yard truck.
Emission Factors: Explanation of emission factors, fleet averages, and sample calculations.
Fleet Portions: Explanation of fleet portions and how they report and comply.
Fleet Size - Private Fleets: How to determine fleet size for privately owned fleets.
Fleet Size - Public Fleets: How to determine fleet size for federal, state and local agencies.
Horsepower: Explanation of maximum horsepower and how it can be determined.
Model Year: Explanation of engine model year and how it can be determined.
Specialty Vehicles: Explanation of specialty vehicles and their requirements.
Adding Vehicles |en Español: Requirements and restrictions on adding vehicles to a fleet.
Best Available Control Technology (BACT): An explanation of one method of satisfying the regulation’s compliance requirements.
Best Available Control Technology (BACT) Exemptions: A way of satisfying the regulation's compliance requirements.
Captive Attainment: Determine if your vehicle falls within certain California counties that may affect the fleet size designation.
Compliance Overview: Overview of off-road regulation requirements, including those in effect now and future requirements.
Compliance Snapshot: A compliance tool in DOORS that shows a fleet's compliance status.
Disclosure: What information must be disclosed to the buyer when selling a vehicle.
Early Credit: Types of credit available to fleets before their first compliance year.
Emergency Use: Emergency use vehicles may be exempt from some aspects of the off-road regulation.
Fleet Average: An explanation of one method of complying with the regulation’s emission performance standards.
Idling Policy Guidance: Information on what fleets should include in their written idling policies.
New Fleets: Requirements for fleets newly formed in-state or a fleet that enters California.
Off-Road Engine Tier Life: Explanation of the length of time that an off-road engine tier may remain in a fleet.
Optional Compliance Schedule for Fleets with 500 Horsepower or Less | en Español: Explanation of optional, simpler compliance option for the smallest fleets.
Order of Best Available Control Technology (BACT): An explanation of the order in which turnover must be taken in order to accrue BACT credit.
Record Keeping: Explanation of the record keeping requirements.
Rounding Provision: Explanation of the how the rounding provision works and when it applies.
Awaiting Sale Vehicles: Explanation of how awaiting sale vehicles are treated.
Disclosure: What information must be disclosed to the buyer when selling a vehicle.
Labeling Vehicles | en Español: Requirements for EIN labeling on vehicles, including label specifications.
Low-Use Vehicles: Explanation of the low-use provisions, and how fleets may utilize these provisions to reduce compliance requirements.
Rental/Leased Vehicles: How to incorporate rental/leased vehicles into the Off-Road Regulation.
Reporting Requirements: Explanation of the reporting requirements for all fleets.
ROAR and Annual Reporting | en Español: Explanation of the Responsible Official Affirmations of Reporting (ROAR) form and annual reporting requirements for all fleets.
Transfer of Ownership: Requirements for transferring ownership of a fleet or fleet portion.
Two-Engines Vehicles
Two-Engine Vehicles: Determine if your vehicle is a two-engine vehicle
Repowers Using On-road Engines: On-road engines may be used in off-road vehicles to lower emissions.
Enforcement Advisory 381: Enforcement of requirements to use on-road certified engines in on-road registered vehicles.
Conditionally Verified DECS: Use of conditionally verified Diesel Emission Control Strategies for compliance with the off-road regulation.
Credit for VDECS: Explanation of the credit available in the regulation for installing verified retrofits.
Excess PM VDECS Credit Provisions: How to install extra or early VDECS under either the off-road or truck and bus regulation to generate excess credits for the other regulation.
Using Unverified Exhaust Retrofits: What to do if you are using an unverified exhaust retrofit.
VDECS: Explanation of what a VDECS is and how they work.
VDECS Removal: What happens if a VDECS fails and/or is removed.
Funding and Other Topics
Incentive Funding: Explanation of how compliance credits are awarded for vehicles/engines/retrofits funded through incentive programs (Moyer, Showcase, SEP and other funds).
Manufacturer Delays: What to do if equipment needed for compliance is delayed.
Potential Fines: Description of potential fines for noncompliance and where fine money goes.
Vehicles Used for Parts: Vehicles used for parts may be exempt from some regulatory requirements.
Water-Well Drilling: Description of requirements for both in-state and out-of-state two-engine water-well drilling rigs, including the exemptions for those operating exclusively within the Counties of Fresno, Tulare, for emergency purposes, such as a drought State of Emergency.
Large Spark-Ignition Regulation FAQs
Regulation Overview | en Español: Explanation of the applicability of the rule and a summary of requirements.
Agricultural Crop Preparation Services: Explanation of requirements for equipment used in agricultural crop preparation services.
Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE): Explanation of the different types of airport GSE and requirements.
Equipment Identification Number Labeling: Explanation of EIN specifications and labeling equipment.
Fleet Average Emission Level Standards: Explanation of complying with the regulation's emission performance standards.
Limited Hours of Use Equipment: Explanation of the limited hours of use provision, and how fleets may utilize these provisions to reduce compliance requirements.