Regulation Overviews | TruckStop
Zero-Emission Regulations
To view a calendar of important deadlines pertaining to the Drayage, Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF), Clean Truck Check, Transport Refrigeration Unit (TRU), Zero-Emission Airport Shuttle, and Innovative Clean Transit (ICT) regulations, visit Regulatory Deadlines Calendar.
Innovative Clean Transit Regulation
To achieve the overall air quality and climate protection goals, California needs a holistic approach that includes comprehensive and complementary measures, such as a cleaner grid and combining emerging technologies. The transportation sector is responsible for about 40 percent of GHG emissions, 80 percent of NOx emissions, and 90 percent of diesel particulate matter emissions in California. Broadly implementing zero-emission technologies is necessary to effectively address these multiple intertwined and complicated air quality and climate protection issues. The ICT regulation is a critical first step in reducing emissions from California’s heavy-duty fleets.
Zero-Emission Airport Shuttle Regulation
The Zero-Emission Powertrain Certification Regulation (ZEPCert) is one of several programs the California Air Resources Board (CARB) has developed to help advance California's transition to zero‑emission technologies. ZEPCert was developed to support current and future advanced‑technology measures applicable to medium‑ and heavy‑duty vehicles, by helping ensure that zero‑emission technologies being deployed are able to meet the reliability and performance expectations of California fleets.
Advanced Clean Trucks Regulation
The Advanced Clean Trucks regulation is a manufacturers ZEV sales requirement and a one-time reporting requirement for large entities and fleets. More information for fleets is available on the Advanced Clean Fleets link on the left side of this page. Promoting the development and use of advanced clean trucks will help CARB achieve its emission reduction strategies as outlined in the State Implementation Plan (SIP), Sustainable Freight Action Plan, Senate Bill (SB) 350, and Assembly Bill (AB) 32.
Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF) Regulation
The Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF) Regulation is the latest development in CARB’s decades‑long history of setting increasingly stringent emission standards for mobile sources that are needed to protect the public health and welfare of Californians. The ACF Regulation requires fleets that are well suited for electrification to reduce emissions through requirements to both phase-in the use of Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) for targeted fleets and requirements that manufacturers only manufacture ZEV trucks starting in the 2036 model year.
Zero-Emission Powertrain Certification Regulation
The Zero-Emission Powertrain Certification Regulation (ZEPCert) is one of several programs the California Air Resources Board (CARB) has developed to help advance California's transition to zero‑emission technologies. ZEPCert was developed to support current and future advanced‑technology measures applicable to medium‑ and heavy‑duty vehicles, by helping ensure that zero‑emission technologies being deployed are able to meet the reliability and performance expectations of California fleets.
Zero-Emission Transport Refrigeration Unit (TRU) Regulation
California needs to reduce public health risk from Transport Refrigeration Units (TRU) near distribution centers and other facilities where TRUs and TRU generator sets operate; as well as achieve emission reductions while in transit, especially near the most impacted communities. Improving freight efficiency and transitioning diesel-powered TRUs to zero-emission technologies is needed to help meet the State’s multiple risk reduction, air quality, and climate goals, as well as the directive of Executive Order N-79-20, which set a goal for 100 percent zero-emission off-road vehicles and equipment in the State by 2035.
Diesel Regulations
Truck & Bus
Diesel trucks and buses with a gross vehicle weight rating(GVWR) that are greater than 14,000 pounds (lbs), must reduce exhaust emissions by meeting particulate matter (PM) filter requirements and upgrading to a 2010 or newer engine model year (EMY).
Transport Refrigeration Unit (TRU)
On February 24, 2022, CARB approved amendments to the TRU ATCM (2022 Amendments) to achieve additional emission and health risk reductions from diesel-powered TRUs and increase the use of zero‑emission technology in the off-road sector.
Tractor-Trailer GHG
Owners of 53-foot or longer box-type trailers including both dry-van and refrigerated-van trailers, and owners of the heavy-duty tractors that pull them on California highways must meet specific requirements.
Learn about multiple diesel regulations pertaining to off-road vehicles and equipment.
Solid Waste
The Solid Waste Collection Vehicle (SWCV) regulation was adopted by the Board in 2004. All SWCVs, except for certain low-use vehicles, were required to have particulate matter (PM) filters installed by December 31, 2010. In January 2019, the Board approved amendments to the SWCV regulation.
Clean Truck Check (HD I/M)
In December of 2021, CARB approved for adoption the HD I/M program in an ongoing effort to meet air quality standards by ensuring heavy-duty vehicle emissions control systems are properly operating throughout the life of the vehicle. The program sets regular testing requirements for all non-gasoline heavy-duty trucks operating in the State and will be tied to DMV registration.
Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP)
Owners or Operators of portable engines and other types of equipment can register their units under the CARB Statewide Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP) in order to operate their equipment throughout California without having to obtain individual permits from local air districts.
Cargo Handling Equipment
Mobile cargo handling equipment is any motorized vehicle used to handle cargo or perform routine maintenance activities at California’s ports and intermodal rail yards. The type of equipment includes yard trucks (hostlers), rubber-tired gantry cranes, container handlers, forklifts, etc.