Consultation Group Frequently Asked Questions
Consultation Group FAQ
1. What is the purpose of the Consultation Group?
The Consultation Group will inform CARB's implementation of the Program and Blueprint 2.0. through public discussion and deliberation.
2. What is the time commitment for Consultation Group Members?
Members serve for a term of up to four years. While the exact meeting frequency might vary, it's anticipated there will be up to three meetings annually, beginning in the summer of 2025. Each meeting is expected to last between two to four hours.
3. Where will the Consultation Group meetings be held?
Meetings will be held at either the CalEPA Headquarters building in Sacramento or the CARB Headquarters Building in Riverside. The format of these meetings might be in-person, hybrid, or virtual, considering current regulations like the Bagley-Keene Open Meetings Act.
4. Is there compensation for Consultation Group Members?
Consultation Group members, except those representing government agencies, will receive $100 per meeting as compensation. Additionally, they are eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses, based on current State government rates and requiring prior CARB approval.
5. What are the eligibility criteria for becoming a Consultation Group Member?
CARB will prioritize applicants who:
- Represent communities in California most significantly impacted by air pollution.
- Possess knowledge of and experience in working towards or advocating for enhanced air quality locally. This includes lived experience.
- Demonstrate interest or experience in group decision making, collaborative problem solving and constructive conflict resolution.
6. What is the role of an Alternate in the Consultation Group?
Applicants are encouraged to designate an Alternate who can represent them in their absence, ensuring consistent participation and input from their stakeholder group. Alternates undergo the same appointment process as primary members and receive compensation and travel reimbursement only when attending meetings in lieu of the primary member.
7. What are the restrictions related to conflicts of interest for Consultation Group Members?
Members must adhere to Government Code section 87104, which restricts them from being involved in grant applications, contracts, or lobbying efforts related to CARB. More information on these requirements is available by reviewing CARB’s transparency requirements.
8. How are Consultation Group Members selected?
CARB staff will review all applications received by the deadline. Following this review, staff will present a list of recommended Consultation Group members to the Board for appointment in the Spring of 2025.
9. Can I apply if I’m already on another commission or group?
Yes! Applicants serving on other commissions or groups can apply and participate. However, all applicants should review requirements related to conflict of interest (Govt. Code Section 87104) to make sure they are fully aware of participant requirements.