California program to offer $33 million in voucher funding statewide to help underserved communities launch shared mobility projects
SACRAMENTO - The Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program (CMO) is making about $33 million in voucher funding available to eligible applicants and communities to launch and support new and existing shared mobility projects across the state. The Mobility Project Vouchers (MPVs), worth up to $1.5 million each, help underserved communities to develop and launch zero-emission mobility projects, such as bike sharing and ride-on-demand services, that fill a community’s transportation gaps and provide access to key destinations. Funding availability includes $12.5 million for applicants that are new to the program, $3 million for new eligible tribal government applicants, $7.5 million for current Community Transportation Needs Assessment awardees and $10 million for current mobility project awardees.
In the program’s first funding window, CMO awarded MPVs worth up to $1 million each to 20 California nonprofits, local governments, transit agencies, and California Native American tribal governments. Additional funding is going to be available to help these communities that have faced higher than anticipated costs.
Awardee Details
The Community Transportation Needs Assessment vouchers help residents of the community identify transportation challenges. The second application window for Community Transportation Needs Assessments closed on December 7, 2022.
Who is eligible to apply?
Eligible Applicants
- A public agency, such as a city or county, public school district, or transit agency.
- A nonprofit organization that qualifies for tax-exempt status, or a California Native American tribal government.
Eligible Project Locations
- It is a Senate Bill 535-designated disadvantaged community, specifically targeted for investment of proceeds from the state’s cap-and-trade program aimed at improving public health, quality of life and economic opportunity in the state’s most burdened communities.
- It is an AB 1550-designated low-income community.
- It is within federally or nonfederally recognized tribal land or tribal property in California within AB 1550-designated low-income communities or SB 535-designated Disadvantaged Communities.
What are the voucher amounts?
- A total of about $33 million is available for mobility projects.
- Vouchers are worth up to $1.5 million each and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Applicant funding includes:
- $12.5 million for new applicants to the program.
- $3 million for new eligible tribal government applicants.
- $7.5 million for current Community Transportation Needs Assessment awardees.
- $10 million for current mobility project awardees.
When does the application window open?
- The two-phase application process begins with the phase 1 application window opening at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time on March 1, 2023.
How to apply and get help
- Application: Emailed applications will not be accepted.
- Technical assistance is available to help guide applicants through the process:
- Email a request to
- Call the CMO hotline at (626) 744-5670
- Office hours are open each Thursday from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Pacific Time via Zoom
About Clean Mobility Options
Clean Mobility Options is funded both by California Climate Investments — a statewide initiative that uses billions of cap-and-trade dollars to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, strengthen the economy and improve public health and the environment, particularly in underserved communities — and by the California Energy Commission’s Clean Transportation Program, which is investing more than $1 billion to deploy zero-emission transportation infrastructure and support in-state manufacturing and workforce training and development.